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Will children have a higher IQ if they are breastfed?

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Q: Does breastfeeding make babies smarter
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Dose breast milk make you smarter?

Well, at the very least it shows that the breastfeeding mother is smarter.

How do women nurse their babies?

By breastfeeding them.

Why the girls have breast?

For breastfeeding babies.

Do babies drink faster by breastfeeding or by bottle?

Babies typically drink faster from the bottle because it requires less effort that breastfeeding.

Why do you have boobies?

Women have breasts for breastfeeding their babies.

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When does mastitis occur?

It usually only occurs in women who are breastfeeding their babies.

Why is oxytocin used after delivery?

Oxytocin also may be used to control bleeding after delivery or to help make the milk flow in women who are breastfeeding their babies.

Will you pass drugs while breastfeeding?

Many, but not all, drugs do go into the milk of breastfeeding women.

What age do babies stop breastfeeding?

There is no real set age when babies stop breastfeeding. It can be up to the mother, or the baby can ween his/herself. In my personal opinion, I would stop breastfeeding when the baby can eat solid food, and/or drink out of a cup. Or maybe even when he or she can say that they are thirsty. But every mother and baby are different.

Can babies be smarter in the future?

I am sadly very sorry to admit to you that the future babies will probably get stupider.

What is the best time for breastfeeding moms quit breastfeeding their babies?

The best time for breastfeeding moms to quit breastfeeding is a personal choice. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends breastfeeding only for the first six months and then introducing solid foods while continuing to breastfeed until the child reaches the age of one.