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it gains electrons.

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Q: Does bromine lose or gain electrons?
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Will potassium lose electrons or gain electrons when reacting with bromine?

Potassium would lose electrons in all its reactions especially with Bromine.

How many valence electrons must bromine gain or lose to get 8 valence electrons?

Bromine must gain one electron

How many electrons will bromine gain or lose when forming an ion?

Bromine will gain one electron to become Br-

How many number of electrons it must gain or lose to have eight valence electrons for bromine?


How much electrons would bromine have to gain or lose to get 8 valence electrons?

It'll have to gain one to have a stable octet.

How many electrons will Bromine have to lose to have the same electron configuration as Krypton?

None - it would have to GAIN one.

How many electrons must bromine br gain or lose?

Boron can lose 3 electrons from its valence shell that is 2 in 2s & 1 in 2p sub-shell, wheras it cannot gain electron b'coz of its electropositive nature & it has less electron affinity.

When forming an ion bromine is most likely to gain how many electrons?

Bromine will gain one electron.

Does bromine tend to lose or gain electrons to become an ion?

Bromine, like Fluorine and Chlorine, is an Halogen. Halogens gain an electron to become X^(-) anion. 'X' being the general symbol for an halogen.

Do atoms lose protons but seldom lose or gain electrons?

No. Atoms can gain and lose electrons but seldom gain or lose protons.

Do Covalent bonds do not gain or lose electrons?

Covalent bonds do not gain or lose electrons, but rather share electrons.

How many electrons can phosphorous gain or lose?

It needs to gain 3 electrons than to lose 5 electrons. So phosphorus has to gain 3 electrons.