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No, nothing can violate the law of conservation of energy, it's a law! Energy can convert to mass, and mass can convert to energy, but the overall total of mass and energy in the universe is constant.

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Q: Does burning wood violate the law of conservation of energy?
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Burning wood in a fireplace is an example of what kind of energy conservation?

Chemical potential energy converting to heat energy -apex

How can chimical energy be trancedformed into thermal energy?

Since the "law of conservation of energy" states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, all energy is never really destroyed only changed. Chemical energy is converted into thermal energy by certain chemical reactions, like combustion (when something is burned) or when fat is metabolized into heat for the body for example.

Burning wood to heat your home is what kind of energy conservation?

If you are using a fire place instead of a heating system to heat your home, that would be energy conservation. Depending on how you heat your home (oil, gas, electricity, ect.) would be the exact type of conservation that you are using.

What energy is from burning wood?

'HEAT' energy

The burning of wood creates what kind of energy?

Energy cannot be created. (Or destroyed) Burning changes the chemical energy of the wood to heat energy and light energy.

The burning of wood releases what kind of energy?

Thermal energy........

Can you give examples of conservation of mechanical energy into heat energy?

rubbing of two wood

When wood is burned a lot of energy is produced. Is the conservation of energy law applicable in this case?

Conservation laws are in force when a candle burns. Chemical changes occur in the materials involved in the burning, but all the atoms in the candle and the air (which supplies the oxygen needed for burning) are present in the byproducts of combustion. Nothing is lost. Chemical bonds are broken when a candle burns, and chemical energy in the molecules in the wax or paraffin is converted into thermal energy (heat) and released. But nothing is "lost" in the reaction and conservation laws are not broken.

Does burning wood contradict the law of conservation of mass?

By fire and flame it at the same time.

How do you make energy from wood?

By burning it. The heat it lets off will be energy.

Is wood a source of energy?

People have been burning wood for centuries to provide themselves with heat energy.

How does the burning of biomass produce energy?

It just produces thermal energy, in the same way as burning coal or wood.