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Q: Does busy beaver sell dehumidifiers
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Does best buy sell dehumidifiers?

I had a look for you but I'm afraid I found no results on the BestBuy UK website. There are plenty of other places that sell Dehumidifiers like Amazon or Argos

What does the expression busy as a beaver mean?

Very busy or engaged in an activity.

What is The synonyms and antonyms for beaver?

active and busy

How did people get the expression busy as a beaver?

its how there were born with it .it is called manuohty .but people call it beaver

Can I get a dehumidifier rental in the Jacksonville, Florida area?

No you cant get a dehumidifier rental in jacksonville, florida. Most places that sell dehumidifiers only sell them. This is because people contract germs and ill born sickness's from used dehumidifiers.

What is an idiomatic expression used to say that someone is very busy using body parts?

busy as a bee; busy like a beaver

What does the phrase busy as a beaver mean?

The phrase "busy as a beaver" means working very hard and diligently on a task or project, often implying a high level of activity and productivity. It originates from the beaver's reputation for being industrious and constantly building and maintaining its dam and lodge.

Where could I find a merchant that would rent a dehumidifier during the winter?

Popular store chains like Future Shop and Best Buy sell air conditioners, or dehumidifiers. Places that rent dehumidifiers include ""

Does Frigidaire make dehumidifiers?

Yes, Frigidaire makes dehumidifiers.

What online stores sell Humidifiers & Dehumidifiers?

You can find most brands of humidifiers and dehumidifiers like Holmes, Honeywell and QuietCare at all the major retailers online. Lowes, Walmart, Amazon, and Buy all carry these moisture-controlling devices.

What is the idiomatic meaning of an eager beaver?

If you call someone an eager beaver it means they are busy/enthusiastic/keen in doing something. Just as beavers are when building their dam.

What kind of machine is a busy beaver?

A Turing Machine is a theoretical computing machine in math to serve as an ideal model for mathematical calculation. A busy beaver is an n-state, 2 color Turing Machine which writes a maximum number of 1s before halting.