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Canceling a credit card my have a negative effect on your rating if it has not been open very long. What lenders like to see is a steady and lengthy payment history. So it is a good idea to keep it open and keep the balances very low. After having the account for 2+ years I would say it is safe to cancle only if the card is bad for you, for example it may have annual fees, high APR, low credit limit etc.

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Q: Does canceling a credit card effect credit rating?
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Does canceling a debit card account hurt your credit rating?

No, you're using your own money.

Does canceling a new credit card hurt your credit score?

Canceling your card can hurt your credit score..... SORRY!! You should not cancel even if you intend not to use it. One credit secret is the more available credit not in use the better you look. I.E. percentage of revolving debt compared to available-it helps reduce that and increase your number.

Does canceling a credit card after having it for a short time hurt your rating?

Maybe, maybe not. It would depend upon the rest of your current credit situation.

Will opening a new credit card affect your credit rating?

Yes. Any new credit account or loan will effect your rating.

Is the credit card number important if canceling the card?

oh yea

Does a claim for an accident affect your rating when through a credit card?

No..but it will effect your current and future Insurance rates.

Can your credit rating or score improve without using your credit card?

Yes, your credit rating is based upon all forms of credit, not just your credit card. For example if you have a telephone on a plan, this is a form of credit and that will add to your credit history which increases your credit rating.

Isn't canceling a credit card same as breaking a contract?

No. There is no time set for a credit card. It is issued at the pleasure of the CC company, and used at the pleasure of the customer.

When you settle on a credit card bill how does it effect your credit rating?

Credit card bills affect the credit rating in that the late payments will show on the report and points will be counted against you. Once you have paid, make certain that the three credit reporting companies note that it has been paid; eventually the account will age and become a positive for you. This is since it will show available credit that you are not using.

How can one build up a credit rating?

In order to build up a credit rating one has to obtain a credit card first. Every time one uses a card, loses it, is being refused to get a card, pays a bill late the information is being gathered and turned into one's credit rating. Building up a credit rating can be done by using a 'Secured Credit Card'. One has to use the card regularly and pay off the bills monthly.

Would closing a credit card damage my credit score?

Yes closing a credit card can damage your credit score. But as long as everything else is good it should not affect you credit rating to much. Look for tips to keep a good credit card rating.

Can you get a credit card just to have the card?

Sure, but to have the card and not use it does NOT improve your credit rating. If you amass too many credit cards - even if you never use a single one of them - it decreases your credit rating because you have "too much available credit potential".