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Q: Does candling ears work
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Can you swim after ear candling?

You shouldn't wet your ears for a few hours after ear candling.

Can ear candling hurt the tubes in your ears?

well i have tried ear candling and it did bring wax out of my ear... but it also started to bring sharp pains in my right ear and i had to quit... it may be because i was holding it in to hard so i recommend just holding it light.. Ive experienced ear candling and i probably wouldn't try it again, unless i was very hard in hearing... there may be pain during your experience

What is candling defined when dealing with animal husbandry?

A person shines a very bright light through an egg to see through the shell, this is called candling. What they are looking for when candling are the embryos in hatching eggs or defects in eggs going to market.

How do a bear's ears work?

The exact same way that a human's or a dog's ears work.

Do animal ears work differently?

Although some of the physical structures of animal ears are similar to humans, the hearing range of the animal causes their ears to work differently.

Way are chicken eggs some times candled?

Candling is done to check on the contents of the egg. Candling eggs reveals blood spots and when done to fertilized eggs can verify the growth of the embryo.

How Do Sonoran Desert Toads Hear?

Frogs and toads all have ear holes. Their ears work like humans ears work.

Is ear candling a respected holistic treament method?

Ear candling is not recognized as an acceptable alternative practice by naturopaths, homeopaths, practitioners of Native American medicine, or any other authority on complementary and alternative medicine.

How do elephnts ears work?

funnle in sound

Why do your ears pop when you work out?

preesure on your head

How does a pelicans ear work?

it dosent work like normal human ears

What is a candler in poultry management?

acording to science candling is the see wether a egg is fertile or not