

Does carbon have four electrons

Updated: 12/20/2022
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11y ago

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carbon has totally six electrons. Out of these, four electrons are in the valence shell or the outer most shell.

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Q: Does carbon have four electrons
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How many electrons are needed to fill carbon outer shell?

Carbon has four valence electrons, so it will need four more electrons to fill its outer shell.

How many electrons does carbon share to complete its valence shell?

Carbon has 4 valence electrons. It needs four more to form the octet. So carbon will share four electrons

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One carbon atom will share four electrons.

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Carbon has only four valence electrons.

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No. Carbon has four valence electrons and can make four bonds.

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How many valence does a carbon atom have?

Carbon has four valence electrons. Each of theseelectrons can pair with an electron from another atom to form a strong covalent bond. In carbon, all the electrons with the principal quantum number 2 are valence electrons, but the two electrons with principal quantum number 1 are not.

How many electrons does carbon atoms share?

This question seems a bit unclear. Perhaps it meant something like: "how many electrons can be shared with carbon atoms?" Anyway, a carbon atom can share 4 electrons with other atoms, including other carbon atoms.

How many electrons are shown in the electron dot structure of carbon?

The electron-dot representation of a carbon atom show only four dots because the dots represent only the valence electrons (the ones placed in the outermost shell). The carbon atom has four electrons in it's outermost shell. !

Carbon has four valence shell electrons which means it can form what?

Carbon can form four covalent bonds.

How many number of electrons to fill the outer shell of carbon?

Carbon has four valence electrons, so it will need four more electrons to fill its outer shell.

A carbon atom can bond with four other atoms because it has what valence electrons?

It has 4