

Does cardiac muscle and heart have the same relationship?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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The heart is composed of cardiac muscle fibers. It is the same thing.

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Q: Does cardiac muscle and heart have the same relationship?
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Involuntary muscle tissue found in the heart?

Cardiac muscle tissue is the involuntary muscle tissue found in the heart. It is striated and contracts to pump blood throughout the body. This type of muscle is highly specialized and functions to maintain the continuous beating of the heart.

What likely happens to the heart rate as the cardiac muscle get stronger?

Resting heart rate goes down (maximum stays the same).

What type of muscles are striation found in?

The alternating A and I bands on the miofibrils.

How does the structure of cardiac muscle help it perform its function?

Cardiac muscle is also an involuntary muscle. (Do you need to tell your heart to beat?) It is a specialized kind of muscle found only within the heart. This muscle pumps blood through the body. The average person's heart beats more than 4,000 times in an hour (figuring on an average of 70 beats per minute), so, by time you turn 70, your heart will beat some two-and-a-half billion times. Cardiac muscle, like smooth muscle, does not tire.

Why are smooth and cardiac muscle involuntary?

Cardiac muscle is involuntary because its muscles related to the heart and if they were voluntary you would have to mentally tell your heart to pump each time. Smooth muscle tissue is involuntary because of the same reason as cardiac but instead it is located in areas such as hollow organs in the body, blood vessels,bladder, uterus,digestive tract.

Why does the heart has different types of tissues?

The heart does consist or atria, ventricles, etc. but these are the gross, anatomical divisions of the heart. In asking about the kinds of tissues contained in the heart, we have to think of the cells found there. The heart obviously contains cardiac muscle, it is practically the only site where it is found, except for the transitions between the heart and the large vessels arising from it. Cardiac muscle consist of the typical cardiac muscle cells, which are di-nucleated, branched cells which connect to each other at intercalated disks, making the heart muscle a functional syncitium. In addition, the heart contains modified cardiac muscle cells called Purkinje cells. These cells transmit electrical impulses to the ventricles, to stimulate them to contract. The heart also contains connective tissue, serving various purposes, such as binding groups of cardiac muscle cells into fascicles, etc.

Do all cardiac muscle fibers all contract at the same time?

No. The heart muscle contracts in sections, first the top (atrium) then the bottom (ventricle). But when it is working properly, the heart muscle fibers contract together in large groups.

Which type of muscle tissue is striated and involuntary?

Cardiac Muscle it can be found in the heart it is called Involuntary because its contraction does not require conscious effort. It is also Striated in the same way as skeletal muscle.Hope I helped!!!

Does the heart muscle have the same structure as the arm muscle?

No. Cardiac muscles are involuntary while skeletal muscles are voluntary, meaning you have control of the arm muscles, but not the heart muscles.

How are skeletal and cardiac muscle the same?

They are both striated.

Who has more nuclei per cell skeletal muscle or cardiac muscle?

which has more nuclei per cell skeletal muscle or cardiac muscle? I guess that they both have the same number of nuclei.

What kind of muscle makes your heart?

You call it as cardiac muscles. The muscle fibers contract rhythmically. The muscle fibers are attached to each other end to end. This facilitates the conduction of the impulse. The muscle fiber can be stimulated to give you contraction of the the same.