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which has more nuclei per cell skeletal muscle or cardiac muscle? I guess that they both have the same number of nuclei.

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Q: Who has more nuclei per cell skeletal muscle or cardiac muscle?
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Which muscle tissue has several nuclei per cell?

Smooth muscle tissue

Which muscle cells have multiple nuclei?

The type of muscle tissue that have only one or two nuclei per cell are cardiac muscle cells. Their nuclei are located in the center of a cell.

Do skeletal muscle cells have one nucleus?

skeletal muscle cells have multiple nuclei in each cell.

What tissue has one nucleus?

Smooth muscle tissue has a single nucleus in each cell :)

Is cardiac muscle mitotic?

It consists of a maximum of 2 nuclei per fiber so no it can't be considered multinucleated. Only skeletal is multinuke.

What are 3 type stuff of musclea tissue?

The three different types are the skeletal, smooth, and cardiac muscles. The cardiac muscles are ONLY found in the heart area, the skeletal is the muscle that moves the bones and the smooth muscle is in most of your main organs.

What are comparison between cardiac muscle and skeletal muscle?

1. Like the Skeletal Muscle the Cardiac have cross-striations and contain numerous nuclei. 2. In the apperance you may notice they are both striated 3. “As do skeletal muscle fibers, each cardiac muscle cell contains organized myofibrils” 4. Both the Cardiac and Skeletal Muscle cells have High Force development Also the Website below has alot of information about your question! Hope i helped :)

2 cell populations that do not divide?

Skeletal muscle, cardiac muscle and mature neurons.

What does it mean if a muscle is striated?

Striated muscle includes cardiac muscle and skeletal muscle. Cardiac muscle is found only in the heart. Skeletal muscle is between bones and is voluntarily controlled. Examples of skeletal muscle are the sternoclydomastoid, biceps, obicularis oris, rectus femoris, etc.

How many nucleus does smooth muscle have?

smooth muscles and cardiac muscles contain a single, centrally located nuclei, where as skeletal muscle cells are very large and contain many nuclei.

Compare and contrast skeletal cardiac and smooth muscles?

Cardiac muscle uses aerobic respiration which is rich in myoglobulin, glycogen, and very large mitochondria that fills over 25% of the cell. Skeletal muscle only 2% of the cell. In turn makes cardiac muscle highly resistant to fatigue.

Which a has a single nucleus in each cell skeletal cardiac or smooth muscle tissue?

Smooth muscle tissue.