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There is currently no evidence to show that dogs who eat cat food (either on occasion or frequently) develop kidney problems solely due to the food.

Kidney stones can be caused by several factors, such as urine that is too concentrated (often due to dehydration), or urine that is more alkaline than acidic. Some breeds of dog, such as Yorkshire Terriers, Miniature Poodles, Dalmatians and English Bulldogs seem to be more susceptible to the condition.

Diets high in grain and vegetables produce alkaline urine, which allows certain stones to form. Struvite stones for instance, dissolve in an acid urine, requiring a diet low in magnesium and high in protein. Different stones can require different treatments in order to manage them and prevent them reoccurring.

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Q: Does cat food make dogs have kidney stones?
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The symptoms include blood in urine, pain when urinating and sharp pains in the lower abdomen and back. If kidney stones are suspected, it is important to see a specialist ASAP as there are procedures which can make passing the kidney stones less painful.

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Actually if it has sugar in it, it will make kidney stones. As for non-mineral soda, I do not know. If you live in Europe or North America, you will be prone to stones due to salt intake, but it can be avoided if you drink water to dilute salt

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How Can Kidney Stones Be Treated and Prevented?

Kidney stones are hard mineral deposits that form in the kidneys. Doctors have not identified the exact cause of this condition, but they have found several factors that can increase a person's chance of developing kidney stones. Dehydration, a high-sodium diet and certain medical conditions can increase the risk of kidney stones. Additionally, kidney stones are also more likely to occur in men who are over the age of 40.What are some of the symptoms of kidney stones?Many people do not experience any symptoms. If a person does have symptoms, he or she is likely to experience the following: dark or pink-colored urine, fever, chills and pain in the back and ribs. Most kidney stones will pass on their own, but some people will need to seek medical attention. People who experience severe pain that is accompanied by vomiting and nausea need to seek consult with their doctors immediately.How can kidney stones be treated?Many people can treat their kidney stones at home by drinking plenty of water. Water helps cleanse the urinary system and prevent deposits from building up in the kidneys. Patients who cannot get rid of their kidney stones by drinking water may need to have a procedure called a extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy. This is a procedure that uses soundwaves to break the kidney stones into small pieces so that they can be passed through the urine. If the extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy is uneffective, the doctor may have to surgically remove the kidney stones.How can kidney stones be prevented?Drinking water is one of the simplest things that people can do to prevent kidney stones. Doctors recommend drinking two or three quarts of water per day. People should also make sure that they eat a diet that is low in sodium and animal protein. It is important to ensure that one eats plenty of calcium-rich foods, but he or she should be cautious about taking supplements. Calcium supplements can increase the risk of developing kidney stones.

Is dialysis necessary for kidney stone treatment if kidney stones cannot be surgically removed?

No. Dialysis is not necessary for kidney stone treatment. In most cases, the doctor may either perform lithotripsy, which is using sound waves to make the stone explode/dissolve, or go up the urethra with a small tube to grab the stones. If this is not an option, the doctor will treat the pain involved with the stones with prescription pain killers. Kidney stones are only a serious health risk if they are causing blockage, and in most cases pain is the only real problem involved with them.

Can bad ice tea make you sick?

yes. iced tea causes kidney stones, and the pain is excrutiating