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true. cellular respiration does give the abilty to repair plant tissue.

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Q: Does cellular respiration give the ability of a plant to repair tissue?
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What is another name for cellular respiration?

Tissue respiration, or internal respiration. you are probably looking for aerobic respiration

What is another name for tissue respiration?

Cell Respiration

Why would your body go through lactic acid fermentation instead of cellular respiration?

Lactic acid will be the temporary end point of cellular respiration while oxygen supplies are limited, as while enduring exertion. This temporary presense of an excess amount of acid in the muscle tissue is what causes the feeling 'muscle burn'.

What is tissue respiration?

tissue respiration is a chemical process where feaces are release in order for space to be made in the stomach

What tissue is Specialized for fat storage?

There really isn't a type of tissue specialized for storing fat. Fat is a tissue. It is made from cells called adipocytes. Fat's scientific name is adipose tissue. Your body needs it for insulation, cushioning and protecting vital organs. It can also be used as a form of energy in cellular respiration.

Which one of these does not require energy is it synthesis of protein or transmission of nerve impulses or tissue respiration or muscle contraction?

tissue respiration.

Is semen a cell or tissue?

Semen is technically defined as a tissue. The only cellular component in semen is sperm cells. The remainder of semen consists of secretions from the seminal vessicles, Cowper's gland, and the prostate gland. These secretions are not cellular in nature, but aid in the survival ability of the sperm to increase the chance for fertilization.

What are the functions of water and protein in a healthy body?

Water is very important in your bodies processes. Water carries the nutrients to all parts of the body and waste products to your kidneys. It is used for digestion. Proteins build and repair body tissue. Also, it supplies energy. Water is also used in forming sugars for your bodies cellular respiration.

What is the difference between external respiration and tissue respiration?

External respiration is gas exchange in the lungs. Tissue respiration is the chemical reactions in our cells which produce energy. The most usual one is aerobic respiration: glucose + oxygen --> carbon dioxide and water.

What is tissue repair?

Tissue repair refers to the regeneration of damaged tissue using cells of the same type. It could either be a physical or mechanical restoration of the injured tissue.

What are the examples of catabolism?

>cellular respiration >glycolysis >Kreb's cycle >digestion >The breakdown of muscle protein in order to use amino acids as substrates for gluconeogenesis and breakdown of fat in adipose tissue to fatty acids.

What is the medical term meaning fluid cells or cellular debris that has oozed into tissue?

Exudate means fluid, cells, or cellular debris that oozed into tissue.