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Lactic acid will be the temporary end point of cellular respiration while oxygen supplies are limited, as while enduring exertion. This temporary presense of an excess amount of acid in the muscle tissue is what causes the feeling 'muscle burn'.

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Q: Why would your body go through lactic acid fermentation instead of cellular respiration?
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Related questions

How do you get ATP?

through either cellular respiration or fermentation

What is fermentation in cellular respiration?

Fermentation is used in anaerobic respiration. Fermentation is done to replenish NAD supplies so that glycolysis can continue making ATP in the absence of oxygen.

What is another name for cellular respiration?

Tissue respiration, or internal respiration. you are probably looking for aerobic respiration

What is the main difference between the starting compounds of fermentation and cellular respiration?

Their starting compound are different because fermentation takes in 2NAD+ and 2ADP molecules and changes them into 2NADH and 2ATP and 2 pyruvic acid molecules, while cellular respiration takes in electrons through electron carriers. What was this guy thinking when he made this answer....

What type of cellular respiration occurs with oxygen?

Aerobic respiration is the type of cellular respiration that requires oxygen. This process involves the release of glucose for energy.Aerobic respiration requires oxygen to be present because it is the final electron acceptor at the end of the electron transport chain. If it is not present, then the electron can not go through the chain and fermentation will cycle instead. Fermentation is much more inefficient in producing ATP (a differenence of 32 ATP).

What happens when your muscles cells run out of oxygen?

Cells that do not require oxygen go through anaerobic respiration, which is a form of cellular respiration that uses fermentation to turn energy into useful energy. There are two types of anaerobic respiration, lactic acid fermentation and alcohol fermentation. Muscle cells do this when they run out of oxygen and go through fermentation instead. The product of this type of fermentation from muscle cells is lactic acid. Lactic acid is toxic and causes soreness and fatigue. Anybody who has been sore after exercise has experienced lactic acid fermentation.

During rapid exercise how do your muscles produce ATP?

Fueled by the metabolism of sugar, the ATP byproducts (ADP) are reconstituted into ATP molecules. Use of ATP energy requires no oxygen - when the ATP is depleted the muscle cells must use cellular respiration to obtain energy and once the muscle is at rest the ATP stores are replenished.

During a race how do your muscles produce ATP after the store of ATP in muscles is used?

muscle cells produce ATP by cellular respiration through fermentation

How does human cells use fermentation?

Fermentation is simply anaerobic cellular respiration where an organic compound is used as an electron acceptor instead of using oxygen. Consequently, lots of types of cells can utilize fermentation. There are examples of both prokaryotes and eukaryotes that are capable of anaerobic respiration. The most common example of fermentation is in the yeast cell, which produces the alcohol found in beer. Another example is the human muscle cell, which produces lactic acid through fermentation when there is not enough oxygen present to continue cellular respiration (such as after a long jog).

How do cells determine if they use cellular respiration or fermentation?

At the completion of the glycolic process, pyruvic acid is produced. Some of the pyruvic acid ends up in the cell mitochondria where cellular respiration takes place. In the absence of oxygen, the pyruvic acid goes through a process of fermentation, which takes place in the cytoplasm of the cell.

What do cellular respiration and fermentation have in common?

Both occur after the process of glycolysis, or the process of "splitting sugars," in cellular respiration. So both can release chemical energy from sugars. Also, both processes end up producing adenosine triphosphate (ATP), a nucleotide considered to be the universal source of energy for metabolism among all living organisms.

Both a whale and a seaweed use what to change glucose into energy?

Through cellular respiration