

Does cheetahs eat others cheetah

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: Does cheetahs eat others cheetah
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Do snake eat cheetah?

Yes cheetahs eat snakes.

Is a cheetah a predator or an herbivore?

it isn't a herbivore, it is a scavenger and it also hunts.

What does a cheetah have to eat?

Cheetah's Eat Animals like Buffalo, and warthogs.

Where is the cheetah ranked in the animal kingdom?

The cheetah is often ranked number one at the top in the animal kingdom. This is because almost nothing will eat a cheetah and cheetahs only eat smaller animals.

Who eat the cheetah?

Hyenas eat cheetahs and lions just kill them for the heck of it.

Does a cheetah eat grain?

No, cheetahs are obligate carnivores. They only eat meat.

Would a cheetah eat a rabbit?

Cheetahs eat meat. Rabbits are meat. Cheetahs and all the cats, big and small, eat meat.

What eats a cheetah besides a lion and tiger?

Tigers would find it quite difficult to eat cheetahs. Cheetahs live in Africa and Tigers live in Asia. They wouldn't meet. nothing eats a cheetah. lions and other cheetahs kill cheetahs. don't eat

Can a human eat a cheetah?

Yes, a human can eat a cheetah. A cheetahs flesh is full of sweets and sausage meat. Humans love this stuff. Also a Cheetahs teeth are made of dried fruit. All of this stuff is easy to digest for a human!

What does a cheetah eat specifically?

Cheetahs primarily feed on antelopes and gazelles.

What did the American cheetah eat?

American cheetahs probably preyed on pronghorns

Do cheeters eat tigers?

Cheetahs do not eat tigers. They avoid them. Tigers are much larger than cheetahs and in a fight, the cheetah would not survive.