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Q: Does cherry whisky and coke mix well together?
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(well im in yr 8 so im gonna give this a go) well cherry coke zero tastes descusting but i no it is 100% sodium

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Can you cook with Diet Coke as well as coke?

Yes... but you shove the coke cans in so when people eat the cake... they choke

How many types of coca-cola?

There are many types of coca cola, some only found in certain countries. I recently did a project on coca cola. here are all the types i know: Coca Cola Caffeine free Coca Cola Coca Cola cherry Coca Cola with lemon Coca Cola vanilla Coca Cola C2 Coca Cola with lime Coca Cola rasberry Coca Cola zero Coca Cola M5 Coca Cola black cherry vanilla Coca Cola black Coca Cola citrus Coca Cola light sango Coca Cola orange and finally Coca Cola diet hope i helped!

When can you see the cherry blossom?

well i think you would be able to see a cherry blossom in January

How do you make coke costumes?

Well, you could get something bendy like really big plastic that can fit you. Then get empty coke cans or bottles and glue them on with a hot glue gun. That might not sound like a coke bottle, but it's close. Also, you could flatten lots of empty coke cans, then add them together but do the top and bottom with cardboard so you do not cut yourself with anything pointy.

What adaptations do cherry trees have?

grow well

How do they say cherry in Japanese?

Well, I'm not so sure what cherry is, however I do no that the word 'sakura' means cherry blossom, so maybe some abreviation on that?

Does coke have aspartame?

yes coke has a lot of aspartame as well as caffeine, calories, and other stuff

Does Pepsi cost more than coke?

Well actually nno they both cost the same.

Do the USB Coke coolers sold online work very well?

Yes, USB coke coolers can work very well. They will keep you soa chilled anywhere!

Is there fungi in coke?

This is because the sugar in the coke feeds mold, causing it to grow after about two weeks.