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I think so, cause I don't think a toad can live in a pool, for example, which has chlorine.

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Q: Does chlorine kill toads
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What types of piosonus toads can kill a dog?

toads with yellow on them they can kill dogs if they pee on them watch out keep ur dogs away from toads

Does Dettol kill cane toads?


What is some information about chlorine?

chlorine can kill you.

Why are frogs and toads so dangerous in Peru?

The frogs and toads have poisonous venom and can kill a man in 3 days.

Does rain kill chlorine?

Nothing kills chlorine as it is not alive.

Can fire belly toads live with fish?

Yes IF - you have enough water so the toxins from the toads don't kill them - the fish can survive in the same temperature range as the toads - the fish are going to eat or nip at the toads -the poison will not kill or make the other fish ill at contact such as a healthy Betta fish. Lots of people keep feeder guppies with their toads. Sometimes the toads catch them. But is very rare. Mine didn't catch them.

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Does chlorine kill fish?

Yes, chlorine is harmful to fish and can kill them if they are exposed to high levels of it in their water. It is important to always use a dechlorinator when setting up a new aquarium or performing water changes to make the water safe for fish.

How do you kill chlorine in water?

take half the water out,them put in clear clean water,our let the sun kill the chlorine.

Can poison toads kill crocodiles?

Under my recent research done in cairo, egypt, i have discovered that indeed the poison in toads is potent enough to kill even the largest of crocodiles. This venomous posion can even kill a T-REX! trust me, im a doctor

Can a green frog kill you?

Cane toads can because of there posin and i dont no :S

Can chlorine bleach kill zoysia grass?

Yes, chlorine bleach is a powerful disinfectant that can kill zoysia grass if applied directly to the grass in sufficient quantities. It is important to avoid using chlorine bleach on grass or plants as it can harm or kill them.