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Clipping a chicken's wings has nothing to do with the hen's egg laying ability. The only thing wing clipping does is to keep a light weight hen inside the fence or out of the trees where they love to roost. Light weight chickens cannot fly, in the traditional sense of flying, but they can, and will, jump to the top of the gates/fences and the lower limbs of trees.

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Q: Does clipping wings have anything to do with chickens stop laying eggs?
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Related questions

What Is clipping their wings?

Clipping their wings is when you make their wings shorter and make the bird unable to fly

What are chickens if not mammals?

Chickens are bipedal vertebrates. They are covered in feathers. They are also warm blooded, egg laying animals with wings. These criteria show that chickens are birds, not mammals.

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What are chicken wings?

the wings of chickens

If your birds has a broken wing will she lay eggs without mating?

their wings dont have much to do with laying eggs. but only chickens lay eggs without mating

How did the chickens get the wings?


What is bird?

A bird is a creature with wings and can fly.NOTE(Chickens are birds)

Can chickens still fly after having their wings clipped?

Chickens can't fly.....

Can chickens really fly for real?

Yes they can, chickens has wings and feathers.

How high can a chicken with clipped wing jump?

Most healthy wing clipped chickens can manage a few feet. It all depends on how heavy the bird is. Wing clipping just really curtails sustained flight. A frightened chicken with wings flapping and running can still manage some flight even when its wings are clipped.

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What do chickens have?

The same things we have but with wings and feathers.