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In some people, coffee can trigger anything from a tension headache to a migraine. In other people, coffee can relieve them.

Some people are addicted to caffeine and going without their morning coffee will cause caffeine withdrawal, one of the symptoms of which can be a severe headache. Unfortunately, the only way to stop those withdrawal headaches, also known as rebound headaches, is by getting all the way through withdrawal so that your body becomes accustomed to living without caffeine again.

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Q: Does coffee cause headaches
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Does drinking coffee cause headaches?

Caffeine can cause headaches when the effects of the drug wear off and you begin to "crash". Additionally, if you are a heavy coffee or soda drinking, quitting all caffeine intake has been known to cause some withdrawls including but not limited to headaches.

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Yes, changes to diet can help ease headaches. Certain foods and beverages can cause headaches like caffeine in sodas and coffee or large amounts of sugar. Diets that eliminate or limit these types of food can help to ease headaches.

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Bread is not known to cause headaches, but certain allergic reactions to the bread could lead to headaches.

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i think it can, as it gives me headaches.

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It is somewhat risky to inhale acetone, and it could cause headaches.

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Many people suffer migraine headaches and the causes can vary. Some of the headaches are caused due to hormones and others can be caused by diet. Chocolate and dairy products have been found to trigger some migraine headaches.

Does Migraine cause headaches?

Very bad headaches, yes.

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Fevers do not cause headaches directly. Generally speaking (with the exception of true migraines), both fevers and headaches are symptoms of underlying problems.

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