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Does this involve a modern vehicle or are you referring to a "collectible" vehicle on a special Antique Vehicle policy? Assuming you are talking about a 'modern' vehicle, the answer may be most likely be "no." That is because vermin damage usually occurs over time and is not one "event" like a fire or a collision. Thus, most policies exclude such destruction occurring over time.

To be sure, get your policy out and read it. The answer lies there. Also, be aware that different insurance companies may have different restrictions or exclusions in their policies. Not all carriers have the same exact policy.

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Q: Does comprehensive insurance cover vermin damage?
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Does house insurance cover bird damage to siding?

will depending on what did the bird do, you see if the bird broke the window or the roof and took your offspring away to feed his young, then no, but if the bird fell from the sky and broke through the wall/windows, and u were able to catch him then...... will the insurance probably wont cover it, but you can sue the bird for every feather he has.

What is dog insurance, and what does it cover?

Dog insurance is just like the insurance that we carry for ourselves. By purchasing dog insurance it will assist in the coverage of things such as surgeries that your dog may require to have. If you have purchased a breed that is known to have problems it might be a good investment. There are varying options for dog insurance.

How can you get someones auto insurance to see if they have umbrella policy to cover a dog bite?

If you have expenses due to being bitten by someone's dog, one way would be to go to your insurance company to make a claim. They will go after the people for you and find out if they have umbrella insurance.

Is it wise to look into cat insurance for your cats?

To answer your question simply, no. Most people with cats do not have cat insurance. This is due to the fact that cat insurance is far from the kind of insurance issued on people. There are almost always maximums insurance companies pay then you are responsible for the balance which makes most people feel like its not worth getting the insurance if they won't cover the whole costs.

A friend was hauling your cattle in his horse trailer and the rear gate opened and four cows were killed Will his insurance cover your cows?

yes it will

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No, Flood insurance will not cover your Automobile. Your Comprehensive Auto Insurance will cover flood damage to your Car.

Does liability insurance cover hail damage?

No. That would come under comprehensive insurance.

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No, the standard homeowner's policy has a specific exclusion for damage due to 'vermin', i.e. animals.

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Insurance will cover whatever damage to your vehicle as long as you have comprehensive insurance. As long as you have a HO-3 insurance, it will cover the replacement cost to your house if you take wind or hail damage as well.

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Does State Farm Auto Insurance cover flood damage?

Yes it does, through their comprehensive insurance coverage.

If a tree fell on your car at work who pays?

Your auto insurance will cover the damage to your vehicle if you have comprehensive coverage. The Comprehensive portion of your auto insurance covers damage resulting from an act of nature.

What kind of damages does comprehensive auto insurance cover?

Comprehensive auto insurance will cover a driver for car accidents and injury caused by them. It will also cover damage from weather incidents, vandalism and fire, as well as theft.

Does homeowner insurance cover damage from a tree falling on an automobile?

No. Comprehensive coverage on the auto does that.

Will liability insurance cover damage to a person's vehicle caused by someone else?

NO, liability covers damage you do to someone else's property. Comprehensive insurance covers damage to your vehicle by someone else. If you have no comprehensive, then you will need to look to their insurance for recovery of damages.

Does comprehensive auto insurance cover damage from road debris?

It depends on the terms of the insurance and the type of damage to the vehicle. Contact your insurance agent for the terms of your insurance. In general, it should.

Will homeowners insurance cover damage to a car damaged at your home?

It depends on the situation but mostly the car insurance comprehensive coverage would cover any damage done in a non-moving accident.