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Q: Does condoms work on kids
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Related questions

What is the legal age to buy condoms in Alabama?

There is not one, kids of any age can purchase condoms is drugstores, pharmacies, etc.

How do semaphores work?

Like condoms.

Do condoms work in space?


What are condoms'?

They work 88% of the time

Do most middle schools allow kids free codoms?

No.... That's disgusting..... No one needs condoms in middle school...... its high school where there's condoms...

Is there a law against kids buying condoms?

In some jurisdictions, there are restrictions on who may or may not purchase condoms. In others, there are none. So, the answer depends, mostly, on where you are at the time.

What organisms did gegor mendel work with?

Blueberry Condoms.

What resources does the US export?

The Two most exported resources are sour patch kids, and condoms

Do tampons work just as good as condoms?

hahaha idiot

What are popular products sold to teens?

Condoms, ipods, Cell phones, and drugs (only for the fun kids)

What work do satelites do?

They shoot down condoms when i'm doing your mother.

What do the kids pass around in 17 again?

They pass around condoms in health class, and everyone is suppose to take one.