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Q: Does conflict happen the the beginning middle or the end?
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Is conflict beginning middle or end?

Conflict can occur at any point in a story, including the beginning, middle, or end. It is often introduced at the beginning to set the plot in motion, developed in the middle through rising tension and challenges, and resolved at the end through a climax and resolution.

All true narrative poems feature what?

a beginning, a middle, an end, and a conflict.

Did the battle of Hastings happen at the beginning end or middle of the Norman invasion?

Beginning. 21 October 1066

Beginning is the end and end is the beginning are you in middle?


What gave the story a begginig muddle and end?

It seems like you are asking what makes a story have a clear beginning, middle, and end. A good story typically starts with introducing the characters and setting (beginning), then develops the plot and conflict (middle), before resolving the conflict and providing a conclusion (end). Strong transitions between these sections help create a cohesive and engaging narrative structure.

A poem that tells a story has a beginning middle and end and some kind of conflict and that does not require rhyme is best described as a?

narrative poem apex.

A poem that tells a story has a beginning middle and end in some kind of conflict and that does not require rhyme is best described as a?

a poem that tells a story is called ballad.

Is you turned on a light and then you turned it off a story?

No, turning on and off a light is a simple action, not a complete story. A story typically involves characters, a plot, and some sort of conflict or resolution.

What must a novel have?

A beginning a middle and an end.

What school has no beginning and no end?

middle school

What food has no beginning no middle and no end?


What can you eat that has no middle beginning or end?

A donut!!