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yes it does give a low heat capacity.

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Q: Does covalent bonds give water a low heat capacity?
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Do covalent bonds give water a low heat capacity?

Water is covalently bonded and has a high heat capacity.

Is CH3CH2OH covalent or ionic?

Well an Ionic bond is between a metal and a non metal, and Covalent bonds are between non metals, so yeah this is a covalent bond, where the particles share electrons, because Carbon, Oxygen and Hydrogen are non metals. No charges to worry about either! Much easier

How do you know how many covalent bonds an atom has?

The number of unpaired electrons in valence shell or numbers of electrons less then 8 in outermost shell of an atom give information about covalent bonds my be formed by an atom.

Why does silicon form covalent bonds?

Silicon is most likely to form covalent bonds because it has four valence electrons and will share electrons rather than give them away.

Why are metals not very good at forming covalent bonds?

Because it tends to give up electrons easily.

How is covalent bounds different from ionic bounds?

covalent bonds are when NON METALS share their electrons to get a full outer shell where ionic bonds are when a METAL and a NON METAL "give" each other electrons so they have a full outer shell.

What are Lewis dot structure used to represent?

Lewis dot structures are used to represent the covalent electrons of an element. It can be used to show the sharing of covalent electrons in a covalent bond or just to show the covalent bonds in general.

Which characteristics of the six elements found in all living things allows them to form complex molecules?

They all tend to form multiple covalent bonds.

Sometimes atoms form molecules by sharing two pairs of valence electrons When this occurs the atoms are said to be joined by?

A double bond. Each atom that can share valence electrons has a bonding capacity corresponding to the number of covalent bonds the atom can form. When the bonds form, they give the atom a full complement of electrons in the valence shell. The bonding capacity of oxygen, for example, is 2. ( O=O )

Which answer helps to explain why carbon atoms tend to make 4 covalent bonds?

Carbon has 4 electrons in its outer shell - making four bonds would give it the octet.

What is the difference between foaming capacity of hard and soft water?

The foaming capacity depends on the hardness of water. Hard water does not give foams. Soft water will give foams.

How is a covelent bond different from an ionic bond?

ionic bonds are stronger than the covalent.its because the covalent bonds are formed by sharing of electons and ionic bonds are formed by give and take of elecrons which complete the octates of atoms