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Carbon has 4 electrons in its outer shell - making four bonds would give it the octet.

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Q: Which answer helps to explain why carbon atoms tend to make 4 covalent bonds?
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What bonds does carbon atoms tend to form?

Carbon will almost always form bonds with other carbon atoms, and that is part of what makes it such a useful element.

The carbon atoms in organic molecules are bonded to other atoms by?

Carbon atoms are fixed into organic compounds in The Calvin Cycle.

What characteristic of carbon atoms helps us explain the wide variety of organic compounds?

Covalent Bonds

What sorts of bonds can carbon use?

Carbon atoms form covalent bonds with other carbon atoms, and with other nonmetals, such as carbon and oxygen, or carbon and hydrogen.

What bonds do carbon atoms form?

covalent bonds unless bonded with a metal

What type of bond is found in a alkane?

Alkanes have ordinary covalent single carbon-carbon bonds and carbon-hydrogen bonds. Alkenes have double carbon-carbon bonds.

What kinds of bonds can carbon atoms form?

A double carbon bond is a covalent bond. Also carbon atoms can form double bonds. Carbon shares electrons with other atoms.

How do carbon bonds form?

Carbon forms covalent bonds in most types of atoms in most cases.

What type of bonds does carbon form?

Carbon will normally form four covalent bonds.These are normally one of several possible hybridizationsof the s and p orbitals.

What type of bond holds the two carbon atoms together in acetylene?

Triple covalent bonds. The carbon atoms have sp hybridization.

Can carbon only form polar covalent bonds?

No. Carbon can also form nonpolar covalent bonds, for example between two carbon atoms, or between a carbon and nitrogen atom.

What bonds can a carbon atom make?

Covalent bonds between carbon atoms; simple, double or triple.