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YES! I am a person who has always - ALWAYS been met with comments from dentists on "how white" my teeth are. They can't believe I've never worn braces and that I don't have them professionally whitened (I did start whitening about a year ago as my 50th birthday is coming and they are looking a bit dingy with age). At my last regular check up, my dentist suggested I start using a rinse because of potential gum issues. I got Crest Pro Health rinse because it was cheaper than ACT (though ACT was the one my dentist recommended). I was just today going to make an appointment to see the dentist before my regular check up time because my lower teeth are BROWN between them. I'm ANGRY. I wish I'd heard this before.

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Q: Does crest prohealth mouthwash turn your teeth brown?
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How can you whiten your teeth?

Use Crest, they keep selling new ones that can whiten them or use mouthwash.

How can you whiten your teeth organically?

Use Crest, they keep selling new ones that can whiten them or use mouthwash.

What is the best tooth best product?

The best thing you can do for your teeth is to brush them with tooth paste. If your teeth are really gross you should use crest pro health. And mouthwash.

Do you brush your teeth after you use crest white strips?

Before, of course. Brushing your teeth removes build up of food, plaque and other nasty things. So do you want to whiten your teeth, or the nasty gunk on top? Also, if you brush your teeth afterward, it might not let all the chemicals do their complete job.

Do you use mouthwash before or after you brush your teeth?

It is recommended that mouthwash be used after brushing your teeth.

Is it bad to brush your teeth with mouthwash instead of toothpaste?

Well, not really. I brush my teeth with Biotene Mouthwash, the i wash my mouth with Act Anticavity Mouthwash. Hope this helps! :)

Do I brush my teeth before or after using Crest 3D White Multi-Care Whitening Mouthwash?

I always use mine after :) Hope this helped!!

Is mouthwash a good idea to use for oral health?

Mouthwash is a good addition to brushing teeth for dental health. The mouthwash soaks the mouth and goes in between teeth, killing some bacteria the toothbrush missed.

What mouthwash should you use?

Depends what your teeth are like.

If you brush your teeth in the morning and mouthwash at night will that wear out your enamel?

No, it is normal to brush your teeth twice a day then floss, followed by rinsing your mouth with mouthwash. It will not cause wear on the enamel.

If i brush my teeth once a day really good and use mouthwash at night what will happen when i get my braces off?

If you brush your teeth once in a day and use mouthwash at night, your teeth will be really good when you get your braces off.

Name a type of product that comes in a teeth whitening formula?

toothpaste gum mouthwash teeth strips