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my mom is a doctor and it does help you grow taller

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Q: Does cutting you hair short help your height grow faster and hair and bones use calcium?
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Why would serum calcium be elevated in osteoporosis?

Serum calcium will be depleted in advances osteoporosis. Calcium mostly resides in the bones. In osteoporsosis, the bone is being broken down faster than the body can rebuild it. This causes calcium stores to go from the bones and into the blood stream. Serum calcium is the measure of calcium in the blood, not what is in the bones.

How do you tell if a bone is still growing?

we could tell by our height because if your height grows your bones are still growing i know this because our bones need calcium to grow and that's how we grow

How does milk help to grow height in humans?

Milk is an excellent source of calcium. Calcium is also found in yoghurts and as they say, 'helps my bones grow strongerer!' Basically calcium builds up bone density and helps in bone growth. As your bones grow and get stronger, so do you. :)

Does mild lack of calcium cause shortness of height or stunted growth in teenagers?

height and growth of teenagers depends upon growth hormone and genetically.Whether calcium deficiency cause weakening of bone.There are two types of calcium deficiency:Dietary calcium deficiency is a condition in which there is an inadequate calcium intake, which can lead to depleted calcium stores in the bones, thinning and weakening of the bones, and osteoporosis.Hypocalcemia is a low level of calcium in the blood. It can occur from taking medications, such as diuretics; medical treatments; or disease processes, such as renal failure or hypoparathyroidism.

How does calcium keep bones healthy?

calcium makes your bones stronger

What is calcium made of?

I don't think bones are made of calcium. Calcium is a nutrition that your bones need to be strong.

What bone is made of calcium?

I don't think bones are made of calcium. Calcium is a nutrition that your bones need to be strong.

What depend on calcium?

your bones depend on calcium because calcium is another word for milk or reduced milk for your bones so you "Identical"bones also depend on bones to help you grow all your bones for needs

Why are dietary calcium requiremements higher for adoolecents?

Adolescents during their growth spurt are growing new bones, which consist predominantly of calcium phosphate, at a faster rate than at any other time in their lives; therefore, they need more calcium to supply the amounts of this element needed for newly elongated bones.

Name two nutrients your bones need and how do they help the bones?

Calcium and Phosphurus because bones are largely composed of Calcium phosphate.

What is the relationship between blood calcium levels and calcium storage in the bones?

Calcium is what makes the bones in your body stronger. Strong bones help prevent osteoporosis, a disease in which bones become fragile and break easily. 99% of the calcium in your body is stores in your bones, and in later years, having an adequate calcium diet is essential in reducing calcium-loss.

Bones help you what?

Calcium helps to build bones. A source of calcium is found in milk.