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Yes. Crossing over (or recombination) shuffles sequences between homologous chromosomes. The resulting chromosomes have different combinations of alleles from the original chromosomes.

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yes, this occurs most often in bacteria.

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Q: Does cytokinesis provide new genetic combinations?
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What is new gene combinations?

when genes cross over during meiosis, then split they from genes that differ.

When can new combinations of alleles be generated in a zygote?

In meiosis or a genetic mutation.

When a cell divides into two and duplicates its genetic material the process is called?

Mitosis and cytokinesis, although the process is reversed from what you ask in your question. During mitosis a cell duplicates its genetic material and then it divides into two new cells during cytokinesis.

How does genetic recombination influence how species change over time?

The genetic variation introduced during recombination provides new allelic combinations for natural selection to act upon.

Genetic recombination is possible because of?

new combinations of genes from two parents

New genetic combinations result from?

crossing over. sexual reproduction. mutations.

How can new combinations of alleles be created when genes are linked?

New combinations of alleles can be created when genes are linked through a process called crossing over during meiosis. Crossing over occurs when homologous chromosomes exchange genetic material, resulting in the mixing of alleles between the two chromosomes. This process leads to the creation of new combinations of alleles and contributes to genetic variation in the population.

The new combinations of alleles produced by crossover events help to generate genetic?

The new combination of alleles produced by crossover events help to generate genetic diversity. This is because the offspring are different from the parents.

What Genetic engineering can be accomplished in bacteria using?

Genetic engineering involves the use of recombinant DNA technology, the process by which a DNA sequence is manipulated in vitro, thus creating recombinant DNA molecules that have new combinations of genetic material

During meiosis the process of crossing over results in new combinations of alleles because?

genetic material is exchanged between chromosomes during this process.

When occurs between nonsister chromatids genetic exchange between chromosomes provides new combinations of genes that are different from the parent cell?

crossing over

Can mitosis occurs in a cell in the absence of cytokinesis Support your answer If your answer is yes provide a description of how the new cell would appear in the G1 phase of the cell cycle?

Yes. mitosis is nuclear division whereas cytokinesis is cell division. The result would be one cell with 2 nuclei