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dark water evaporates first

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Q: Does dark water or clear water evaporate first?
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Does water evaporate faster in a dark glass or clear glass?

It depends on how much light is shining on the glass. If there is a lot, then the water in the dark glass will evaporate faster because the temperature will be higher. If there is no light, then it does not matter.

Can water evaporate in darkness?

Yes. As long as there is sufficient heat water can evaporate in the dark.

Does water evaporate faster in sun or in the dark?

Water evaporate faster in sun because the temperature is higher.

Does water evaporate in the dark?

Yes, but with a slower rate.

What if you put water in a dark colored container and a light color container which one will evaporate first?

i don't think the color matter

Where on earth does water evaporate the fastest?

Water usually evaporates near dark areas or high pressure areas.

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Why cannot transpiration take place in dark?

the sun has to heat up the water in the plants so it can evaporate and exit the stoma

Does water always evaporate at the same rate in the dark in the light?

Evaporation depends on temperature. During the night evaporation is lowered.

Does food coloring evaporate with water?

Most likely yes, the coloring will absorb more light than if it were clear water, so it will heat up more and should evaporate faster. However, it depends on how much light is available (more light should make it evaporate faster), so in a dark area the plain water would probably evaporate more quickly. It also depends on the the type/amount of food coloring (it reflects only the colours that you see, the rest is absorbed), and the amount/temperature of the water and its surroundings, as well as a bunch of other factors. A series of tests will give you a more accurate answer.

Why is the ocean so dark when water is supposed to be clear?

The cause is mostly from pollution

Why the rate of respiration exceeds in the dark than that in the light?

Respiration exceed in the dark better than thatin the light because when its dark it is usually cooler. This helps keep moisture. When its light it is usually hotter. The light can make things dry. For example, if you leave a glass of water out in the sun for a long time it will evaporate. If you try the same with a glass of water in the dark the water might not evaporate or will take longer to evaporte * this may not always be the case. so dont be suorised if you try and results are different