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Buddhist believe so they don't believe in material things and if one wants they will try to get more and more and more and cause suffering to get it. like a war over territory.

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Q: Does desire cause human suffering
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What is the root cause of all suffering?

The root cause of all suffering is typically identified as desire or attachment. When individuals become attached to particular outcomes or possessions, they set themselves up for disappointment and suffering when those desires are not met. Buddhists believe that by releasing attachment and desire, one can alleviate suffering.

The four noble truths in Buddhism state that human life is suffering and that the cause of that suffering is desire. What is the way to end suffering?

If the cause is desire then the end of suffering is the end of desire. The Noble Truths then suggest that following the Eightfold paths the road to ending desire.

What is the purpose of desire in Buddhism about human life?

The effect of desire is to cause suffering. The goal of Buddhism is to eliminate desire and thus eliminate pain.

The four noble truths in Buddhism state that human life is suffering and the cause of that suffering is desire what is the Buddhist way to end suffering?

Follow the Eightfold Path.

The Four Noble Truths in Buddhism state that human life is suffering and that the cause of that suffering is desire. What is the Buddhist way to end suffering?

Follow the Eightfold Path.

The Four Noble Truths In Buddhism State That Human Life Is Suffering And That The Cause Of That Suffering Is Desire What Is The Way Of Ending Suffering?

To get rid of or forget all material things. To try and live a good life without desire.

The four noble truths in Buddhism states that human life is suffering and that the cause of suffering is desire what is the way to end the suffering?

To get rid of or forget all material things. To try and live a good life without desire.

What is the root of all suffering?

Human desire causes this suffering.

What did buddha teach about 3 causes of suffering?

Actually, he only gave one (root) cause of suffering, craving.

The four Noble truth in Buddhism states that human life is suffering and that the cause of that suffering is desired what is the way to end suffering?

To get rid of or forget all material things. To try and live a good life without desire.

Who said life is full of suffering?

Gautam Buddha. He also went on to say that "desire is cause of all suffering".

What Siddhartha searching for?

Once he became aware of the suffering of humanity he sought first the cause and then the cure. The cause was desire and the cure was to defeat suffering by the Eightfold path .