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There mmight be more but rubp is the enzyme used in the Calvin cycle

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Q: Does different enzyme controls photosynthesis
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A different enzyme controls each step of what?


What controls secretion of enzyme?

The Brain and Enteric system controls it. Various regions of the brain controls different enzymes. Also, the enteric system controls many the different digestive enzymes.

What enzyme is produced from photosynthesis?


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What do you say if one enzyme controls one chemical reaction?

Enzyme is specific

How does enzyme action affect the rate of photosynthesis?

It increases the rate of photosynthesis or vice versa...

What enzyme controls transcription?

RNA polymerase.

One gene controls the synthesis of one?

enzyme enzyme is right but it has been modified to polypeptide

Which complex or enzyme of photosynthesis consumes h2o?

photosystem II

If all enzymes are proteins but all proteins are not enzymes then what makes enzymes different fr?

Enzymes are proteins, but as you can imagine, different parts of the body need different types of enzymes to work efficiently. Can you imagine the enzymes which break down food in the process of digestion being replaced by the enzymes which assist respiration or photosynthesis? It wouldn't work. Each type of enzyme controls different chemical processes.

What controls enzyme production in the cell?

my dick control everything:(

Raw material for photosynthesis?

Carbon dioxide and water with the enzyme chlorophyll