

Best Answer

Yes. In some liquids material won't dissolve, or dissolve partially and in other it will dissolve fully and even in any rate.

Mainly there is two types of solvents, polar (e.g. H2O) and non-polar (e.g. C6H14)

Polar materials dissolve better in polar solvents, non-polar materials in non-polar.

Further more some materials may dissolve in solvent using chemical reaction (e.g. metal dissolving in acid)

Even some particular ions effect dissolving, or eaven molecules, such are called detergents.

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Q: Does different liquids affect the time of dissolving?
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Do all liquids evaporate at the same time?

Yes and no. For practical purposes most all liquids will evaporate over time. Technically, you can create a controlled environement to eliminate evaporation.

What are the different variables in a experiment?

It depends on the factors which affect the result of the particular experiment. Time and temperature are among the most commonly used variables used in many experiments.

If the temperature of the liquids is dropped to 10 degrees Celsius would all of the liquids have an equivalent change in viscosity?

Yes since the molecules all come closer together. This means that the sphere would have more difficult time traveling downward because the particles are so packed

Can oil form naturally in the earth?

Yes they are naturally form earth. Oil is formed naturally from dead sea creatures which decompose and are crushed by new layers of sediment, creating deposits under the sea - That's why oil rigs are in the sea, not on land.

How many gallons are in 40 pounds?

All depends. Are we talking US gallons or UK gallons (they are different). Also, it matters what we are talking about, 40lb of water, molasses or engine oil of a specific gravity. Gallons at one time were different for dry goods and liquids. The US gallon for liquids is 231 cubic inches and was the old UK wine or Queen Anne gallon. The UK gallon was standardized in 1824 so the same value was used for liquids and dry goods. This Imperial gallon was set at 277.42 cubic inches as this was the capacity of exactly 10lb of pure water at 62F. If you want a numeric value for either gallon, see .

Related questions

Does the type of liquid affect the time it take to freeze?

Yes, the type of liquid does affect the time it takes to freeze. Liquids with higher freezing points, such as those with salt or sugar dissolved in them, will take longer to freeze than pure water. Additionally, the presence of impurities in the liquid can also affect the freezing point and therefore the time it takes to freeze.

How does size of the solute affect the dissolving time?

It affects the dissolving time because the larger it is the longer it takes and the smallest it is the less time it takess to dissolve ^___^

how can temprature affect the dissolving time of a solid?

If the temperature of the area the dissolving solid is in is warm, the air can make the dissolving solid warm too, and eventually completely dissolve the object.

Does the size of solute affect the dissolving time of any solute?

the amount is very small and unmeasureable

Why do different liquids freeze at different times?

Different liquids freeze at different temperatures because of their unique chemical compositions and molecular structures. The strength of intermolecular forces, such as hydrogen bonding, van der Waals forces, or dipole-dipole interactions, can vary between liquids, affecting their freezing points. Additionally, impurities or solutes present in a liquid can disrupt the crystalline structure during freezing, further influencing the freezing point.

How can dissolving time be made faster?

Dissolving time can be made faster by increasing the temperature of the solvent, breaking the solute into smaller particles, stirring or shaking the solution, and increasing the surface area of the solute by crushing or grinding it. These methods help to improve solute-solvent interactions and facilitate the dissolving process.

Does it take different lengths of time to raise the temperature of different liquids?

Yes, it can take different lengths of time to raise the temperature of different liquids because each liquid has a specific heat capacity, which determines how much energy is needed to raise its temperature. Liquids with higher heat capacities require more energy to increase their temperature compared to liquids with lower heat capacities.

Do all liquids evaporate at the same time?

Yes and no. For practical purposes most all liquids will evaporate over time. Technically, you can create a controlled environement to eliminate evaporation.

How is time affect speed?

Time does not affect speed. Measures of speed may be changed over different time periods but that is not the same thing.

Volume of water and evaporation rate?

The volume of water affects the rate of evaporation, as greater volume leads to more water molecules available for evaporation. Higher temperatures, lower humidity, and greater surface area also contribute to increased evaporation rates. Additionally, wind speed and air movement help carry away water vapor, accelerating evaporation.

Does the type of candy affect dissolving rate?

I did a science experiment for school and i asked this question... i found out that the answer is yes. i took six diffrent liquids and i had lt them all get to room temp. once i did that i then placed them in water at the same time. once i did that i started the timer then iwatched closely for quite a whuile. i used these six types of liquids.: sparkling water ginger ale water Gatorade milk and orange juice when i did this surprisingly sparkling water had been the fastest time throughout the time. sparlking water had no sigar in it so mabey that was the reason that it occurd. because its candy mabe the sugar absourbed in the candy from the ginger ale. this would have made a difference. it did the sugar did make it longer. so thre ya go its candy but science too!!!! i am srry for some mistakes i am typing this with one hand..

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i dont know hope i helped =)