

Does dissolving always involve water

Updated: 9/19/2023
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13y ago

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No, any liquid is fine.

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Q: Does dissolving always involve water
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What is chemical change when dissolving?

1. Dissolving with reaction - an example is dissolving in an acid - involve a chemical change because new compounds are formed. 2. Dissolving without a reaction - for example dissolution of table salt in water - is not a chemical change; only dissociation can occur.

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Not always but sometimes

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Dissolving and dissociation involve the removal of the attraction between particles.

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Is dissolving in water a chemical change?

Dissolving in water is a physical change.

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Dissolving in water is a physical change.

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Dissolving a substance does not involve a phase change.

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Do dilutions like you oughta:Add the acid to the wata. Yes, it's cheesy. But you should always pour the (concentrated) acid into the water, not the other way around.

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Dissolving what?Water is a pretty common solvent.

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Dissolving sugar in hot water is a chemical change.

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The lipid bilayer prevents the cell from dissolving in water.

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If dissolving calcium chloride in water is spontaneous, the sign of ΔG (Gibbs free energy) is negative.