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Q: Does do transform boundaries cause mountains-folding?
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What does transform boundaries cause?


Fault boundaries are especally likely to cause earthquakes?

Transform boundaries are particularly likely to cause earthquakes.

What type of plate boundary with the most occurrences of earthquake?

Transform boundaries are particularly likely to cause earthquakes.

What is primary cause of volcanoes and earthquakes?

Convergent and transform boundaries

What landforms occur on transform boundaries?

Rocks can form rift valleys and mountains.

What plate boundary can cause volcanoes?

What type of boundaries cause volcanoes? Divergent and transform fault boundaries cause volcanoes because they separate. Convergent boundaries cause earthquakes because they collide with other plates.

What type of movement do transform fault boundaries moves?

they cause the world to spin

What type of boundary causes faulting?

Transform boundaries cause fault lines or faults.

What kind of boundaries can cause earthquakes and volcanoes?

Earthquakes can occur at any type of plate boundary, but the most powerful earthquakes tend to occur at convergent boundaries and at transform boundaries.

Why are strik-slip faults common at transform boundaries?

They are common at transform boundaries because strike-slip faults move up and down like transform boundaries.

Which type of plate boundary is responsible for the most powerful earthquakes?

Transform Boundaries are the cause of earthquakes.

Where are transform boundaries?

Transform boundaries are locations where two plates slide past each other.