

Does dragons lose teeth naturally

Updated: 10/22/2022
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13y ago

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They are mythological creatures. (Not real)

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Q: Does dragons lose teeth naturally
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Related questions

How many teeth do you lose in your lifetime?

Adults naturally have 32 permanent teeth. In some cases adults can lose 1 to 4 wisdom teeth through surgery if they are impacting other teeth. No adult teeth are lost naturally though.

Do bearded dragons lose fingers?

Yes, they sometimes lose their teeth as well. Though at times they may never grow back. Good luck!

Are there such things as dog tooth fairies?

No, because for one thing, human tooth fairies don't exist, and for another, dogs don't lose teeth naturally like humans lose baby teeth.

Do komodos have teeth?

yes komodo dragons have teeth

Who planted dragons teeth?

The dragon's teeth were planted by Jun Shen.

Why would people want do have teeth whitening done?

People who were born with teeth that weren't naturally white might want to have teeth whitening done. People who smoke or drink lots of coffee might also lose luster in their teeth and would want to have their teeth whitened.

Can dragons chew?

No. Their teeth are very basic.

What is in your body that is free the first and second time but the third you have to buy yourself?

your teeth

How many teeth will you lose after you have gotten your adult set of teeth?

You will lose none because that is your last set of teeth and you better not lose them.

What are komodo dragons teeth used for?

Komodo dragons use their serrated teeth for ripping wounds in the flesh of their prey. They then drip the venom from gaps between their teeth into the wound to soon kill the prey.

Which teeth do you lose - diagram?

You are supposed to lose up to 20 teeth

Why do you lose your teeth?

you lose your teeth because new teeth are growing in and the new teeth push the current teeth and you have brand new healthy shiny teeth!