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Not at all, in fact some people eat dried banana as a healthy snack.

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Can you use dried banana chips to make banana bread?

you could always experiment that is a whole category of cooking but I think it would be better to use dried fruit in banana bread like almonds or dried banana bits you can get that from a normal supermarket:)

Is banana less calories if dried?

No it has the same amount of calories. By being dried, the banana is only losing water. Since water has no calories, the banana must be the same amount.

Can dried banana be a substitute to flour?

yes, if it is dried and powdered it can be sustitute for a flour...

What is the smell of dried semen?

Smell of banana with salt

Is dried banana o.k for Syrian hamsters?

haven't u seen those treats that r bananas yes u can feed a hamster dried banana

Why is there banana in your hamster food?

Hamsters will usually eat dried banana, it's not unusual to see it in pet food.

How do you extract oil from banana peelings?

What you would want to do is dry the banana peel out much like a dried banana chip then you will want to use a press and put the banana peel under highpressuer I use a 3 ton jack press thats in my basement for this method ever dried banana chips are much easyer to do than the actual peel

Can you have a list of 10 dried foods?

Dried apples Dried cherries Banana chips Jerky Raisins Trail mix Dried cranberries Dried game meat Dried hot pepper powder Onions (powder) Garlic (powder)

How many calories in dried banana?

110 calories.

How are drug mushrooms used?

they are dried and then eaten.

Why do birds eat dried bananas?

Dried banana is a nutritious food for birds. But probably the real reason why birds eat dried bananas is that we feed them dried bananas. If we fed them something else, they would eat that instead.

What is the life span of banana leaves before it all dried up?

5 days