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Q: Does drinking Diet Coke increase blood sugar?
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Will drinking rum and coke affect your sugar levels?

Not if you're using Diet Coke. In fact, many people have said there is actually a slight dip in blood sugars after drinking.

Can drinking a regular coke jump start your body to lower your blood sugar?

c= coms & s= system power

Is cola a stimulant?

Yes coke is a stimulant. Certain types of coke can make you alert and increase your reactivity times!!!

If you drink 4 to 5 cans of coca cola a day what can that do to your body?

Drinking that amount of coke can rot your teeth. If its diet coke there isn't a lot of sugar but despite that it is still associated with weight gain. Normal coke has a huge about of calories and sugar and can cause weight gain and predispose to diabetes and high blood pressure. Increase cola consumption has also been associated with low bone density but it is not clear if that is from the soda or just a generally poor diet.

How do you switch to Diet Coke?

You don't, diet anything is giving you a sugar replacement which is bad for you, Did you know your liver lives off of sugar and water, drinking diet coke is actually worse for you and your teeth and gums, just stick with coke, coke zero is fine it still has real sugar in it

Can Diet Coke raise your blood sugar level?


What illness can happen when drinking coke a lot?

There are many conditions, maybe diabetes because of the sugar.

What side effects does coke have on a kid?

No, all kids 9-15 are allowed to have coke as long as they are healthy

Can rum increase your heart rate?

too much drinking is not good for health.In high blood pressure drinking rum only 2 spoon with coke is good after dinner.You can sleep well.But not more than twice in a month.

Is Diet Coke sweeter than normal coke?

Diet coke has little or no sugar in it. Sugar is a form of energy and so would not be added to diet coke. Diet coke is pretty much carbonated water and addatives and contains only a couple of calories.

Can drinking coke before a blood test result in a high cholesterol count?

Yes, you are not to eat or drink before a cholesterol blood test.

How much grams of sugar is there in a coke zero?

A can of coke zero has OVER 9000 GRAMS OF SUGAR