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No drinking vodka will not increase iron levels. To increase you iron levels try eating red meat, iron rich cereal, clams or oysters, a potato with the skin on, spinach, chick peas, beans or watermelon.

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Q: Does drinking vodka increase iron levels?
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How can you increase your platelet levels?

increase iron intake......a proper diet will help you as well... also avoid alcohol as it decreases the platelet level

Is an increase in iron or protein levels a symptom of pregnancy?

Protein is, but not sure about iron- unless you're taking prenatals because those have iron in them. But usually you give a urine sample at each check up while pregnant and they test the protein levels.

How can you increase your blood iron levels?

The most bioavailable form of iron is from meat, so if you need to increase your blood iron levels, and you are not vegetarian, eat meat. If you are vegetarian, than you can eat iron pills and a lot of green vegetables like spinage and broccoli along with Vitamin C. The vitamin C, when given with plant forms of iron, will help it to absorb better, though the form of iron in plants is still not very absorbable.

What does low reading of ion balance in my bloodwork mean?

A low reading of iron balance in your blood work can signify anemia. When a person is diagnosed with anemia, they can increase their iron levels by eating organ meat or taking iron tablets.

How can you increase your iron level?

The most bioavailable form of iron is from meat, so if you need to increase your blood iron levels, and you are not vegetarian, eat meat. If you are vegetarian, than you can eat iron pills and a lot of green vegetables like spinage and broccoli along with Vitamin C. The vitamin C, when given with plant forms of iron, will help it to absorb better, though the form of iron in plants is still not very absorbable.

Does low iron make you have trouble breathing?

Iron is necessary to carry oxygen and it is a part of the hemoglobin which is packed into the red blood cells. Your lungs are trying to gather more oxygen by you breathing harder. That should change with increase iron levels in your blood.

Low serum iron is seen in?

Low iron levels can be seen in patients with anemia or chronic disease. Mostly people with chronic kidney disease will have low iron levels. Iron deficiency anemia is another condition with low iron levels. This can be treated with iron supplement. Fatigue and weakness is the most common symptoms people present when they have low serum iron levels.

How are iron levels in the body measured?

Iron levels in the body are measured by both hemoglobin and serum ferritin blood tests.

What is the safe iron level drinking water?

the answer is 29

How do iron levels vary for different fitness levels for a teenage girl?

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