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Q: Does dying your hair with chalk really work?
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How do i make hair chalk?

Hair chalk for hair can be made from pastel chalk that is bought from a retail store or a crafting store. Simply use the crafting chalk with water and it will work great on hair.

Does wyler's punch work for dying hair?

For me it did.

Can you dye hair 30 minutes after dying it if the color did not work?

I wouldn't do it in the same day, due to damaging your hair.

Does sun in work on black hair?

Black hair not really, but it works really well with dark brown hair.

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Does foil or saran wrap work better for dying hair?

foil thats what most people i know use. their hair looks great! :)

Does Rae hair dye work?

Not really .

I'm a 14 year old girl and I really want to dye my hair but my mom says no. she says im too young. so how young is too young to dye your hair?

Really it's about damaging your hair. No one is really "too young" to get their hair dyed but dying your hair at a younger age can result in a certain amount of damage and depending on the color can result in worst damage.

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Does axe hair gel really work?

Yes it does.. No flakes nothing but sexy hair

Do wet to dry hair straighteners really work?

First of all you shouldn't straighten your hair when it's wet. Because you could really burn and damage your hair. And if your thinking 'oh, I can just dry my hair with the blow dryer and then straighten your hair. Well, your wrong! If you did that you can really, really, really, damage your hair that way to. So, if I were you I would wait till my hair is at least almost dry, then straighten your hair but really don't do that continuously. But, if you really don't do that then your fine. Also if there are any things or hair stylers that say that well then they are stupid because that could really damage your so that is the answer to that question. ok? bye! =)Yes, they work really well!Well I straighten My hair every day and their is no damage to my hair

Dose mayonnaise really work for a hair drug test?

No, but will make your hair nice and manageable.