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Q: Does each of the Galapagos's islands have a species of tortoises?
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What did Charles Darwin conclude based on the giant tortoises observed in the Galapagos Islands?

Darwin learned that there were different shaped backs of the tortoises, some had arc shaped or straight. The other thing the tortoises had is long or short necks. There were varieties of island and on every island there were different tortoises.

What adaptation did Darwin see in the tortoises of the galapagos islands?

He saw that each tortoise inhabited a different island. The townspeople could tell which island a tortoise came from by the shape of its shell.

What biome does the galapagos tortoises liv in?

Nobody Knows. The Galapagos Islands are a tricky biome. Like any island, the Galapagod Islands do not have any specific biome. The closest any scientist and gotten to the specific biome is Tropical Rainforest.

Why were the Galápagos Islands so important to Darwin's formulation of natural selection?

Each island in the Galapagos possessed unique species

With what other tortoise can your tortoise mate if she is a horse field tortoise?

You cannot crossbreed tortoises. Each species of tortoise has a gut flora peculiar to that species. The gut flora of one species can prove dangerous to another species.Different species of tortoise should not be kept together. While a very few, in the wild, may cross into each others habitat on occasions, such as the Hermann (Testudo hermanni) and the Horsfield (Testudo horsfieldii) they are not known to interbreed.

Darwin began to formulate his concept of evolution by natural selection after what?

observation of many species and their geographical locations.

Why do your male tortoises keep trying to mate with each other?

Because they are homosexual

Why did Darwin find 9 different species of finches on the Galapagos Islands?

The species of finches Darwin found were so varied because they had migrated over time to islands of different vegetation, and they adapted to better suit their new environment. Over time, the finches became so different from each other that they turned into new species.

How did tortoises and bird differ among the island of the Galapagos?

he thought that some of the birds were wrens ,some were warbles,and some were Blackbirds

What insights did Darwin gain from observing island organisms such as the Galapagos tortoises and finches?

Even though he didn't discover the Galapagos Islands, Darwin studied their animals enough to know as much about them as any native son. For example, among the many species of distinctive Galapagos animals are the so-called "Darwin's finches," a group of 13 distinct species of finch, named after the noted scientist, who collected them for study. These finches are unique because when they originally arrived on the Galapagos Islands, they were one species. As time passed, the species migrated, and through mutation, natural selection and isolated speciation, it developed into 13 different variations, each one specially adapted for its local terrain. These birds are named for Darwin because of the evidence they provide for Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection. The finches weren't the only creatures Darwin studied when he was on the islands. Hundreds of years later, Darwin got a close-up look at the same giant tortoises for which de Berlanga named the islands. The slow-moving, hulking creatures can weigh more than 500 pounds (227 kilograms) and carry five-foot (two-kilogram) shells. Darwin saw an abundance of the land-dwelling tortoises, and he was clued in by the islands' Vice Governor to the fact that the turtles differed based upon which island they lived [source: Galapagos Online]. It's possible Darwin may even have brought back from the islands to England a tortoise that came to be called "Harriet," though that hasn't yet been conclusively proved. Harriet lived to be 176 years old, and, sadly, died in 2006 [source: The U.K. Register].

Can you mix different age or tortoises?

yes if you pile them all on top of each other

How did the Galapagos finchs differ from the finches on the other islands?

The question as phrased confuses what Darwin found. He did not find one species of finch on the Galapagos Islands and different species on another set of islands. He found different species of finches on different islands within the Galapagos archipelagos. Some had larger beaks for cracking seeds and some had smaller beaks for capturing insects. Some were physically larger and others were smaller. The primary differences between the finches correlated almost perfectly with the predominant food source available to them on each individual island.