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Q: Does each type of phyllotaxy insure maximum exposure of leaves to light?
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Does phyllotaxy insure maximum exposure of leaves to light?


What is the importance of phyllotaxy in plants?

Phyllotaxy is important in positioning leaves so that they do not shade each other.

What is the definition of phyllotaxy?

phyllotaxy is the arrangement of leaves on a stem. putang ina mo!!!!!!!!........ loko mo ko!!!!!!!!......

What is phyllotaxy of oregano?

Phyllotaxy is the arrangement of leaves on the stem. The leaves of Oregano are paired opposite to each other. Each pair is at right angles to the previous one. This type of arrangement of leaves is called whorled arrangement.

What is phyllotaxis?

The arrangement of leaves on a stem.phyllotaxi is the arrangement of leaves in the stem....

What is the phyllotaxy of santan?

It has paralled leaves and yes it is a monocot.:)

What is the phyllotaxy of mango leaf?

The phyllotaxy of a mango is usually 3/8 but as the leaves are arranged very closely at the tips they appear to be whorled.

What is whorled?

Whorled means that there are three or more leaves at each (single) node on a plant's stem. It's a type of phyllotaxy (leaf arrangement).

Examples of plants with alternate phyllotaxy?

Calotropis procera, Hemigraphis hirta, Almost all plants of the family acanthaceae have opposite leaves.

Why should alternate leaves be arranged in spiral fashion rather than to alternating rows?

Alternate leaves are arranged in spiral fashion rather than to alternating rows so that each leaf gets maximum light exposure.

What is the arrangement of a leaf?

There are many arrangements of leaves.One is the Alternate arrangement.This is arranged in a staggered fashion along stem.Like the Willow plant.Another one is the Opposite arrangement.This is a pair of leaves arranged across from each other on stem. Like the Maple plant.Another in the Whorled arrangement.

How does the position of the sun affect the growth of a plant?

Plants depend on the sun for energy. They will angle themselves so that their leaves get the maximum sun exposure. This is called phototrophic growth. Plants will grow towards the sun.