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No, Earth's magnetic field does not cause gravity because there are two different types of forces.

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Q: Does earth's magnetic field cause gravity?
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Does the earths magnetic field cause the earth to tilt?

No. Earth's magnetic field does not affect its axis of rotation.

Earth's magnetic field results from the spinning of the?

The earths magnetic field results from deep in the earths core. Magnetic conduction from within the earths core is believed to be the cause of this.

What is the different between geomagnetism and gravity?

Geomagnetism is the study of the earths magnetic field. The structure of the magnetic field of the earth is far more complex than the structure of the gravity field. Tidal variations in magnetic field have greater magnitude and more complex frequency structure as compared to the magnitude and frequency structure of tidal variation in gravity feilds. Gravity is an inherent property of all objects on the earth surface but geomagnetism is not . The earths magnetic pull is much weaker than its gravitational pull. Geomagnetism is Dipolar while gravity is not.

Does mars have a gravity magnetic field?

Mars has gravity, as do all planets, but not a magnetic field.

Is the earths gravity the same as the magnetic field if not what is the difference in effects?

i dont know its aload of bumf go away :p

What is earths magnetic field called?

It is Earths' "Magnetosphere".

Is earths core a source of earths magnetic field?


How are the Earths magnetic field made?

It is made by the movement of the earths core and magma field

Why do scientists believe that the inner core is the source of earths magnetic field?

because it has the hydro electric power to control the earths magnetic field

How is earths magnetic field used by people and animals?

the earths magnetic signature is a negative polarity signature

Where does the earth's magnetic field get its power from?

earths magnetic field is generated by the circulation of liquid metal.

What is the magnetic field called?

It is Earths' "Magnetosphere".