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That often is the case, but bear in mind that it is the fat content in the meat, and not the meat itself that is fattening. You can eat leaner meat rather than giving up meat. And vegetables, if you like to serve them with cheese sauce, can also be fattening.

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Q: Does eating less meat and eating more vegetables reduce obesity?
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eat more vegetables and less red meat

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There is really no medication except life style changes. Eating less, exercising more.

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Crisp sounds when eating vegetable is due to the cellular structure. If the vegetables were cooked, the cellular structure would be broken down, thus making the vegetables less crispy.

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Which ever one you'll be eating raw is best for you. But vegetables are somewhat better because they contain less sugar & more antioxidants!

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by eating fruits and vegetables and do lots of exercises

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You cannot spot reduce. To reduce chubby cheeks, you must reduce your total body fat percent by eating less and moving more.

How reduces trigylcerel?

You can reduce your triglycerol levels by lots of exercise, reducing the amount of fat you eat while increasing the amount of fruit and vegetables that you eat. Eating fish or taking fish oil capsules may help, too. By doing these things, I was able to reduce my triglycerol level from about 450 to about 185 in a year or less.

How you can reduce your intake of fat?

Eat less junk foods and also eating half fat foods instead of always eating whole fat.

How may eating habits change in coming decades?

Eating healthy over the years have changed some have took sugar and salt from their diets and eating a lot less. Some only eat so many curbs a day to make it healthier on them and buy low fat or no sugar items.

Are less carbohydrates better for you?

Far less refined (processed) carbohydrate is better for health. That type of carbohydrate is a major cause of weight gain, obesity, and many diet related diseases. The best type of carbohydrate comes from fresh vegetables and fruit. Fresh vegetables and fruits are not refined/processed carbohydrates.