

Does egg layer help hens lay?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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14y ago

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Layer feed or Layer MASH gives the laying hen extra calcium and protein which is needed to produce good quality eggs. Nothing you can feed a hen will make her lay more eggs, just improve the quality of those eggs she does produce.

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When do hens usually lay an egg?

Hens typically like to lay in the morning hours. However, that is not a guarantee.

Why do hens cackle when they lay an egg?

wouldn't you

What do hens lay eggs best in?

Quiet, dark, well lined nesting boxes with one entrance so the hen can ward off other hens wishing to lay an egg in the same box at the same time. The hen needs to relax and lay her egg and while some hens will lay anywhere, most hens like to hide the egg from other members of the flock.

Do ALL hens make a noise when they lay an egg?

No, not all hens cackle while laying.

How long does a hens body take to produce an egg how long does she rest before she makes another?

It takes about 24 hours for a hens to make an egg and after she has started to lay them them regularly she with lay 1 egg a day.

Can hens that are feed only with laying egg production lay fertilized egg?

No. they can if they have a rooster though

Why do hens lay an egg a day?

Not all hens do lay an egg per day. Some only lay an egg every second day while others may only lay two eggs per week. The egg laying capacity of a hen depends on the breed of hen but no chicken lays more that one egg per 24 hour period. 24 hours is the minimum length of time the hens oviduct needs to produce and form an egg.

Can a diet rich in phosphorus make hens lay egg?

Hens naturally lay eggs without the need of a special diet; however, a balanced diet will encourage steadier and more numerous egg laying.

Are sussex good laying hens?

Yes, sussex hens lay about 6-7 eggs a week which is a good layer!.

When should you start feeding layer feed to hens and At What Age?

18 weeks or when they lay their first egg. Any sooner can cause kidney problems with the high calcium content.

Do hen lay unfertilised egg?

No hens do not lay unfertilised eggs as fertilisation in hens is internal. But when she lays eggs the zygote is very small in liquid form,so hen sits on egg in order to provide it full warmth and when chick develops after 3 weeks the egg shell burst opens.

Why do white hens lay white eggs and brown hens lay brown eggs and black hens don't lay black eggs?

Feather coloring does not influence the color of the egg laid. The breed of the hen dictates what color her eggs will be.