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Depends on frequency

"Electromagnetic flux" is just the amount of energy passing through a surface in the form of electromagnetic waves.

The answer to your question depends on the frequency of the electromagnetic waves. Long, slow waves like radio waves can pass through wood, and short, fast waves like X-rays and gamma rays can also. Intermediate waves like visible light cannot (in other words, you can't see through wood).

Good answer. If you should be talking about whether wood will decrease the flux produced by a magnet, the answer is no. The flux flows through wood just fine, but it does not interact with the wood. If the flux was passing through a conductor, then it could induce a current, thereby losing energy of it's own.

Please be more precise

Do you mean the electric flux, or the magnetic flux, or the flow of electromagnetic waves?

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Electrons are parts of an atom, along with protons and neutrons. Atoms make up everything on earth, which means that they are present in wood. The electron is a subatomic particle with a negative charge. They are in wood, air, water, and even you.

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