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Depends upon your personal health plan and its coverages. The attending physician presiding over the emergency will most likely make the decision if surgery is needed or not.

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Q: Does emergency access cover a surgery?
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What happens when you need emergency surgery but have had something to eat or drink?

Check with your doctor. They often will not do the surgery if you have been instructed not to eat or drink unless it is emergency surgery and you have to have it or you will, you know, die. It would not matter if you NEEDED emergency surgery.

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What is essential surgery?

on either an elective or emergency basis. Elective surgery is defined as surgery that can be scheduled in advance and is not considered an emergency.

In the event of a dental emergency, can your insurance cover your care?

Most insurance companies do cover emergency dental care.

What kind of trouble could you get in for running away from emergency surgery?

You can get into trouble regarding billing for the surgery if you run away from emergency surgery. If you are an adult, you are always able to reconsider surgery and you cannot be forced to have a surgery that you don't want. As a child, you might get into trouble with your parents for running away.

Does Anthem Blue Cross in Ohio cover lap band surgery?

This does not generally cover lap band surgery. This is not a medically necessary surgery so it is not covered.

What gastrointestinal disorders require emergency surgery?

bleeding in the digestive tract, obstructions, appendicitis and inflammation of the lining of the abdomen. Pediatric emergency surgery includes birth defects of the heart

If a patient does not have insurance and can't afford the surgery can the hospital refuse them?

Yes. While an emergency room can not refuse to treat anyone, a hospital is not obliged to provide non emergency surgery.

Can you be terminated for having surgery?

No if you have already inform about your surgery then it cant but if not then in some cases, secondaly if the surgery had to be done in emergency then also you cant be fired.

Does medicare cover any of lasik surgery?

No, medicare does not cover Lasik surgery. This is because it is considered a cosmetic procedure due to the fact that you can continue to wear glasses and be okay. Medicare does not cover any surgery that is not medically necessary. no

Where can I find out if my insurance covers bariatric surgery?

To find out if your insurance will cover bariatric surgery, look at the insurance policy. You should either have a hard copy of the policy that was sent via mail, or you can go online to the insurance website to access this policy.

Where is the emergency fuel shut off located in a 2005 F350 Diesel Super Duty?

I believe it's in the front passenger footwell , behind the kick panel access cover