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No - Ender does not die at the end of "Ender's Game". He survives to go with the first wave of colonists who are heading out to colonize all the worlds previously occupied by the Formics. He suffers death, of a sort, in one of the later books of the Enders quartet.

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Q: Does ender die at the end of enders game?
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Which character does Ender take to scout bugger colonies in the end of Ender's Game?

Ender's sister Valentine

How was the conflict in enders game resolved?

Dear Asker, I sincerely think you should just read the book, it is... magnificent. Orson Scott Card (the author) did such a good job, but when people hear about how it has aliens in it coming to destroy earth, they back out. ****SPOILER ALERT FOR ENDER'S GAME**** In the end of the book, Ender is sent to an academy on a planet named Eros. It is very small and dark. He plays a game, very realistic where he can see everything in three dimension. He has ships, and the enemy too. And so every time, Ender manages to win the level and gain entrance to the next one. After a while, he became a little crazy, didnt sleep much and didnt have a lot of human contact. One day, a couple of Earth's leader came to see Ender play. Mazer Rackham (his mentor) and Hyrum Graff (his other mentor) told him that this was the last level. He put on the microphone and "played" the game with his friends from battle school (including Bean, Hot Soup, Petra...) At the end of the battle, Ender released a scientifically engineered bomb with the capability to destroy a planet. The bomb fell on the buggers (or formics) home planet, and destroyed the planet, along with every alien ship. Ender then sees all the Earth dirigents crying and praying to their gods, huging each other. Thats when Mazer tells him nothing was a game, it was all real, the war ended and Ender became a colonist with his sister. He then goes to another world called Shakespeare in the second book. Hope it helps, <(") Skba (")>

Do your think will mean the end of life on earth?

The end of life on earth is speculated often when natural disasters occur. The end of an individual's time on earth comes when they die.

What type of stars end their lives as supernovae?

many stars die as a supernova. not really able to determine which types, because they die at random, but if they dont die as supernovas, they just collapse and disappear into one point in the sky.

What would happen if the sun burn out?

we would all die because it would be to cold

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What happens at the end of Enders game?

Ender kills off all the buggers and regrets it. Becomes the Speaker for the Dead in response.

Does ender in the ender's game books die?

bonzo madrid Answer Bonzo Madrid and Stilson are killed by Ender (unintentionally) in Ender's Game. Ender is tricked by Hyrum Graff and Mazer Rackham into killing the entire species known as the Formics or 'buggers'.

Does ender die at the end?


How do you go to the ender in Minecraft?

To get to the End is very difficult. On creative you can put down end portal frames 3x3 and place in eye of enders. But in survival you need to find a stronghold which contains an end portal, but it's just the frame. You need to place in the eyes of enders in each portal frame, once you have done so the portal will open; then your ready to defeat the Ender Dragon! To make eye of enders you need blaze powders and ender pearlsTo defeat get to the dragon you need to make a bridge across to the land as you spawn on an obsidian floating islandTo stop the End Dragons health recharging you need to destroy the ender crystals on the top of the obsidian pillars

Which character does Ender take to scout bugger colonies in the end of Ender's Game?

Ender's sister Valentine

How do you end a LittleBigPlanet 2 cutscene?

You put a game ender on the sequencer

What is the signafcance of the title 'Enders Game'?

The title "Ender's Game" refers to the protagonist Ender Wiggin and his role in a simulated war game that turns out to have real-world consequences. It symbolizes the idea of manipulation and control, as Ender is unknowingly being trained to lead humanity in an actual battle against an alien race. The title also alludes to themes of strategy, deception, and the moral implications of using child soldiers in conflicts.

How do you get out of the end on Minecraft?

The End dimension can be left if the Ender Dragon is killed, and a portal is created, or if you die.

Is there a moral to minecraft?

Yes. The moral is there is never an End to anything but life. In Hardcore mode, once you die the world is deleted, but after you defeat the Ender dragon, nothing ends. Even though you kill the dragon, there are still mobs. In the end, the end doesn't end the game.

How do you find a stronghold on for the end on minecraft?

First,you need ALOT of of eye of Enders when you have enough you throw them in front of you .Follow the eye of Enders and keep following them until they plunge to the bottom not wen they break and fall ,but when they go toward the bottom and just keep digging and you should find the stronghold

What is the exposition of Ender's Game?

In "Ender's Game," the exposition introduces the character of Ender Wiggin, a young boy recruited into a space-based military academy to train as a future commander. It also sets the backdrop of an Earth recovering from two previous invasions by an alien species known as the Formics.

What are ender two objective for his first battle from the book ender game?

Ender's two main objectives for his first battle are to prove himself as a capable commander and strategist to his peers and superiors, and to defeat the enemy Formic forces decisively to end the conflict.