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Q: Does epinephrine cause lifelong damage to heart?
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Can epinephrine kill?

Yes It can cause rapid heart beat and possibly stroke.To much adrenalin can kill you. Talking to your doctor about this would better serve your curiosity.

What causes heart rate to increase during a fight or flight response?

epinephrine and norepinephrine epinephrine and norepinephrine

How could epinephrine be used for someone bleeding from an injury?

Epinephrine is a hormone commonly known as Adrenalin. The body normally releases this during a time of stress, injury etc. The effects of epinephrine on the body are increased breathing rate, increased (systolic) blood pressure, increased heart rate. Now, if someone were bleeding due to an injury, an increased heart rate will cause an increase in the blood loss. The reason that epinephrine is administered to a patient is usually for a sever allergic reaction or to restore a rhythm in cardiac arrest.

Can radon poisoning cause heart problems?

It would be hard to attribute any cardiac difficulties to radon. Radon is an inert gas, but it is radioactive. If it does any damage, it is because it is inhaled and undergoes decay in the lungs. The lungs take the damage, and enough radiation damage can cause cancer. The heart is "safe" in that light. Note that radon is an underrated cause of cancer. Best get up to speed so you can determine if you are at risk.

Epinephrine is produced by the adrenal glands in response to?

Epinephrine is produced by the adrenal glands in response to a stimulus, shock, excitement, fear. Also it can be used to speed the heart rate up if it is too slow.

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Can scarlet fever cause heart damage?

Yes, scarlet fever can cause heart damage.

Does epinephrine cause behavioral problems?

No, epinephrine should not cause behavioral problems. Epinephrine is a neurotransmitter naturally secreted by the adrenal glands that helps aid in the autonomic functioning of the "fight or flight" response. Symptoms of epinephrine secretion would be found in high stress situations with sweating, increased heart rate, increased breathing rate, etc. It is essential in redistribution of blood flow to essential organs such as the heart, lungs, brain, etc.

What is the first drug of choice for acute heart failure?

Often epinephrine is given.epinephrine

What damage does a heart attack cause?

A heart attack or myocardial infarction (MI) can cause damage by brain damage, can lead to stokes, and also have the risk of having a seconf MI.

Can heavy blood loss cause heart damage?

Heavy blood loss can and will cause heart damage and that is not a good thing and you can die from blood loss to your hearttt...

Does epinephrine lower heart rate?

No. Caffeine and epinephrine are both stimulants. Caffeine stimulates the Central Nervous System (CNS) while epinephrine (also called adrenaline) stimulates the sympathetic nervous system. These both increase heart rate.

Does estacy cause brain damage?

it can cause you to have heart faliure and you can go into cardiac arrest, which can give you brain damage and you can die from it

Can a heart attack cause aphasia?

Yes, it can. Aphasia is a speech and language disability resulting from brain damage. "Heart attack" can deprive the brain of oxygen; oxygen deprivation can damage brain cells; the damage can cause aphasia.

Can rheumatoid arthritis cause tachycardia?

No. However rhuematoid arthritis can cause heart damage.

What two organs would be damaged most due to high blood pressure?

Well, high blood pressure can first damage the heart and blood vessels, then kidneys. But the effects are systemic and though gradual, can be lifelong damage.

What hormone increases heart rate and forces contraction?
