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Q: Does every factor that effects the reproductive success of only some individuals in a population result in evolution?
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Evaluate the significance of mutations to the process of biological evolution?

Answer 1A.Many mutations do produce changes in phenotype, however. Some can affect an organism’s fitness, or its ability to survive and reproduce in its environment.Answer 2Mutations are an important component of reproductive variation in general. Reproductive variation, the effects that causes siblings to differ both from one another as well as from the parents, is the phenomenon that makes evolution possible.

How can mutation rate affect the evolution of a population?

1. The mutation rates affect the evolution of the population by two factors. Firstly, every new mutation overcomes the effects of survival. When new mutations exist in one or two individuals, they are often lost from the population due to genetic drift, or change. For example, the mutation may never make it to a gamete and may get lost. Secondly, the selective value of the mutation can determine its affect of the population. If it's harmful then the selection would act to reduce its frequency and eventually remove it.

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