

Does every person have a growth spurt?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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18y ago

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I'm not sure, but I wouldn't think so. Each person is an individual. So, maybe some people don't.

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Q: Does every person have a growth spurt?
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Does every female have a growth spurt?

Every female does have a growth spurt and there are usually two different ones that will happen during puberty. The first one is the height spurt and the second one is the weight spurt.

Do you grow more after your growth spurt?

1cm every month

What is the definition of a mid growth spurt?

In our adolescence years we have a growth spurt, but during our juvenile years we only have a small growth spurt therefore we call it a "mid growth spurt" as it is not fully a growth spurt seen in that of adolescence.

Does everyone have a growth spurt?

Pretty much everyone will have a growth spurt during their childhood , mostly between the age of 11-16 depends on the person.

Can your growth spurt comes late?

Your puberty growth spurt will happen depending on when you started puberty. If you started puberty late then your growth spurt will be late.

What is growing fever?

Growing fever is not a medical condition. It may refer to a slight increase in body temperature that can happen during growth spurts in children, but it is not a definitive or recognized medical term. It's important to monitor any fever in children and consult a healthcare professional if it persists or is accompanied by other symptoms.

What can help boost your growth spurt?

Eating healthy can help to boost your growth spurt.

How many inches can a growth spurt take you if you haven't grown in a while?

It depends on who the person is.

What age do you get your growth spurt?

It varies from person to person, but in general, people are done growing by the time they are 21. Growth spurts generally happen after puberty.

When are you supposed to hit a growth spurt because I'm 5'3 and want to get taller and I'm a boy?

Just wait, I was 4'11 until I hit my growth spurt. It really varies by person, so be patient.

How fast do you grow in a growth spurt?

Well it depends on the person. When I was in 5 th grade I grew about 3 inches during my growth spurt! But normally u grow 1 to 2 inches max

What controls how tall a person gets?

the food they eat, the genetics they receive from their parents, growth spurt