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Q: Does every rock go through the complete rock cycle by changing from igneous rock to sedimentary rock to metamorphic rock and then back into igneous?
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Does a rock go through the complete rock cycle by changing from igneous rock to sedimentary to metamorphic?

Yes, it can. However, an igneous rock can change to a metamorphic rock skipping sedimentary: the tectonic plates can push igneous rock deep into the ground, forming metamorphic rock. Sedimentary can form metamorphic, metamorphic can form magma or lava by melting and/or erupting and then turn into igneous. Igneous forms sedimentary with erosion, deposition compaction, and cementation.

What are crystals igneous sedimentary or metamorphic?

its igneous and sedimentary and metamorphic

Is graphite igneous sedimentary or metamorphic?

Graphite is a mineral, not a rock that is classified as metamorphic, igneous or sedimentary.

Name the 3 kinds of rocks?

There are three major types of rock: igneous (formed from the cooling and solidification of magma or lava) sedimentary (laid down as sediments) and metamorphic (changed by heat and/or pressure)

What is the name for rocks changing between sedimentary metamorphic and igneous rock?

The rock cycle.

What is the name for rocks changing between sedimentary metamorphic and igneous rocks?

The rock cycle.

Is talc a metamorphic sedimentary or igneous?

Talc is a mineral and is not classified as metamorphic, sedimentary, or igneous as are rocks.

What percent of rocks are metamorphic sedimentary or igneous?

53% igneous, 23% metamorphic, and 24% sedimentary

What are the three types of rocks involved in the rock cycle?

They are igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic due to weathering, erosion, heat, and pressure

What are three types of rocks?

igneous, sedimentary, metamorphic

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