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No. I think most do though.

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Q: Does every species of the parrot live in the Amazon rainforest?
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Related questions

How many new species are found in a day?

In the Amazon Rainforest alone, 1 species becomes extinct every 15 seconds!

Is the Amazon rainforest being logged?

Yes, every day. every second of every day

How much Co2 do the trees in the Amazon rainforest make a year?

Amazon rainforest trees don't make carbon dioxide, they take it in. The Amazon rainforest absorbs 1.5 billion tons of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere every year.

What climate zone is the Amazon rainforest?

In the amazon rain forest it is very warm and humide they get rainfall every day at 4PM

How much of the amazon rainforest is being lost every month?

Thank god, about 4,017,600.

How many different species of fish live in the amazon river?

It is estimated that there are around 5,000 different species of fish living in the Amazon River. Some of fish species are: Amazon Piranha, (Arapaima, Paiche or Pirarucu - Catfish), Tambagui or Pacu, Electric Eel.

How many tribes are in the Amazon rainforest?

No one is exactly sure as they are discovering new plant species there all the time. It is however estimated that the Amazon basin and Rain forest may house up to 2/3 of all plant species on earth. At present there are just over 300,000 types of plants have been identified and classified on earth.

Why are there fewer animals in the rainforest?

Yes, as man encroaches on the rain forest habitat, it becomes less able to support the variety of animals that is once did.

How much of the Amazon Rainforest are you losing?

Every second we are losing the size of a whole football field! We used to have 14% of rainforest now we have 6% because of deforestation!

Is a species of animal becoming extinct because rainforest's are being cut down every day?


What climat zone is the rainforest?

In the amazon rain forest it is very warm and humide they get rainfall every day at 4PM

How many species of animal live in the amazon?

ther are today about 3,000 species in the amazon