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Amazon rainforest trees don't make carbon dioxide, they take it in. The Amazon rainforest absorbs 1.5 billion tons of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere every year.

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Q: How much Co2 do the trees in the Amazon rainforest make a year?
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How many layers make up the amazon forest?

There are four layers in the rainforest: Emergent:(top) Emergent trees are way up here! Canopy: Trees are aliened here. This is also known as the ceiling of the rainforest. UnderStory: (near bottom)Not much light is here. Most of the sunlight is trapped by the canopy. ForestFloor:(bottem) This is the darkest layer. Bugs are EVERYWHERE here!

How much land does the amazon rainforest cover in Peru?

The rainforest in Peru is the Amazon. The Peruvian Amazon comprises 60% of the country and is marked by a large degree of biodiversity.

How much seasons are in the Amazon rainforest?

In most tropical rainforests, there are just two seasons, the Wet season and the Dry season .

What you can do to protect the amazon rainforest?

There are many ways you can protect the Amazon rainforest and other rainforests.1) Reduce paper and wood usageIf you do this fewer trees will be cut down. When you need to buy paper make sure you buy recycled or tree-free paper. Tree-free paper contains no tree (as the name says).2) Reduce oil consumptionGlobal warming will get worse if we use too much oil!3) Less beef consumptionU.S. got too much rainforest beef in 1993 and 1994. Forests were cleared to make room for cattle. The same thing could happen in the Amazon.4) Encourage everyone to do the aboveEvery one can make a difference!See the Related Links for more information.

How much of the rainforest is cut down each year because of cattle ranchers?

Greenpeace say 80% in the Amazon rainforest.

In which ways will rainforest destruction affect the trees and plants that grow there?

Rainforest destruction pretty much says it all, doesn't it?

How much of the amazon rainforest is unexplored?

a lot of it over 5o percent for sure

Are there bannah trees in the rainforest?

yes the are and much more such as cocanut tress and more

How cold does it get in the Amazon rainforest?

The Amazon rainforest is an amazing place, that has a wide temperature range. The coldest is has been known to get is 34 degrees Fahrenheit.

How much of the amazon rainforest is being lost every month?

Thank god, about 4,017,600.

Were the Aztecs in Amazon rainforest?

No. The Aztec Empire encompassed much of southern Mexico.

Why do people depends so much on rainforest's?

We make paper out of forest trees and thousands of medicines can be found on rainforest plants such as cobwebs for healing wounds and also, scientists depend on rainforests for new plant and animal species